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Of the Same to the Chorepiscopi, that No Ordinations Should Be Made Contrary to the Canons.

Of the Same to the Chorepiscopi, that No Ordinations Should Be Made Contrary to the Canons.

(Found translated in Vol. VIII. Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, p. 157. Epistle liv.)

A letter to his Village-bishop:1 he complains of the want of discipline of the multiplying of the clergy, and that without due examination and enquiry into their morals; that they had dropped the old custom, whichwas for the priests and deacons to recommendto the Village Bishop, who taking the testimonial, and giving notice of it to the [City] Bishop, did afterwards admit the minister into the sacerdotal list; that the number of the inferior clergy was unreasonably increased, especially in time of war, when men got into orders to avoid the press: he orders a list of the clergy in every village to be sent to him, and who admitted him, if any have been admitted into the inferior orders by priests, that they be looked on as laymen. Let not who will, put his name into the list. Re-examine those who are there, expel the unworthy, admit none without my consent for the future; if you do he shall be counted a layman.

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