3 For this statement I am indebted to Mr. Ffoulkes in art. "African Councils."Smith and Cheetham, Dict. Christ Antiq.

4 The reader must not com plain if he finds the meaning of the translation often obscure. So great a scholar as Hefele says of one of these speeches, "This, I believe, must be the meaning of he somewhat unintelligible text, etc.," and again of another passage be says that it "is even more obscure." and that "the text is undoubtedly corrupt. The sense is probably, etc."

5 I have followed in this passage the Greek text as a trifle less incomprehensible.

1 Or "have learned."

2 In assignmg these canons to the several synods that adopted them, I have simply followed Hefele.

This document (last modified February 03, 1998) from Believerscafe.com
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