8 Fuchs' Bibliothe der Kirchen vers., vol.ii., p 128 (cit. by Hef.)

9 Hefele, History Councils, vol. ii., p. 166.

10 Hefele refers to his having himself treated this matter fully in the Theologischer Quartalschrift of Tübingeu, 1854.

11 Nat Alex. H. E., sec. iv., Diss. xxvij., Art. 3.

12 Socrates. H. E., Lib. ii., cap. 20.

13 Greg. M. Lib. ii., Epist. 10.

14 Isidor. Hispal. Etymolog., Lib. vi., cap. 16.

15 Jno. Bapt. Palma. Proelctiones Hist. Eccl. quas in Collegio Urbaono habuit. Rome, l838. Tom. i., P.ii., p. 85.

1 I do not understand what Johnson means by this statement. Vide Can. j. of Chalcedon.

2 Hefele. Hist. of the Councils, vol.ii., p.461, Note 1.

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