1 John Fulton, Index Canonum, p.29 (N.Y., 1892.)

2 Ibid., p. 294.

3 Matt. xix. 29; Lk. xviii. 29. In Mark x. 29 is found the same incident recorded. but while "wife" is mentioned among the things "left," no "wife" is found among the things gained.

4 1 Tim. iii., 2 and 12; Titus 1., 6.

5 Hieron. A dv. Jovin. Lib. I. Confer also the In Apolg .pro libris Adv. Jovina.

6 Epiph. Exposit. Fid. Cath., c. xxi.

7 Ibid. Hoeresi. 48, n. 7.

8 Epiph. Hoeresi, 59, n. 4.

9 Ibid. ut supra.

10 Hieron. Apolog. pro. lib. adv. Jovin.

11 It is curious that this is just four centuries, the same length of time as from the Reformation.

12 L'Ami du Clergé, 6 Aofit, 1896, pp.677 and 678.

13 This letter is found in full in the Addenda to the Appendix at the end of the seventh volume of Burnet's History of the Reformation (London. Orr & Co., 1850, p. cxlviij.).

1 It is curious that Balsamon quotes this canon at xl., i.e., the Latin numbering and not the Greek which he himself uses In his scholia.

1 Van Espen says that in his copy of Gratian this canon is assigned to the VIIth Synod. Such is not the case in the edition in Migne's Patrologia Latina, where the reference is given as ex VI. Synodo. c. II., and Judoerum is found in the text instead of the eorum of which Van Espen complains.

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