55 But our annalist gives May 3, while Fest Ind. gives May 2, the day solemnised in the Coptic Martyrologies (Mai, Script. Vett. vol. 4, part 2, pp. 29, 114), and doubtless the right one. Perhaps, if Athanasius died in the night of May 2-3, the former day might be chosen for his commemoration, while our annalist may still be literally exact.

56 See Tillera. viii. 719 sqq.

57 Corrected from §§5, 17. infr.; text `xvi.'

58 Corrected from §5; text `6 months.'

59 Text `Hypatius.'

60 Of Heraclea.

61 Cf. Apol. Fug. 1, &c., &c.

62 Bishop of CP. 338-341. On his death Paul was restored, but Maccdonius appointed by the Arians. This was in 341-2. The final expulsion and death of Paul was about the date given in the text; but the events of several years are lumped together without clear distinction.

63 In 360.

64 Text `Constans.' This passage (3-5), is used by Soz. iv. 9.

65 Text `Constans.' This passage (3-5), is used by Soz. iv. 9.

66 Text `Constans.' This passage (3-5), is used by Soz. iv. 9.

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