43 Vid. Apol. contr. Ar. §58.

44 Ibid.

1 On the suneisaktai, vid. [D. C. A. 1939 sqq. Bright, Notes on Canons, p. 839], Mosheim de Rebus Ante Const. p. 599, Routh, Reliqu. Sacr. t. 2. p. 606. t. 3. p. 445. Basnag. Diss. vii. 19. in Ann. Eccles. t. 2. Muratori, Anecdot. Graec. p. 218. Dodwell, Dissert. Cyrian. iii. Bevereg. in Can. Nic. 3. Suicer. Thesaur. in voc. &c. &c. It is conjectured by Beveridge, Dodwell, Van Espen, &c., that Leontius gave occasion to the first Canon of the Nicene Council, peri twn tolmwntwn eautouj ektemnein.

2 Can. Ap. 17. but vid. Morin. de Poen. p. 185.

3 After Sardica, vid. Apol. Ar. 50, note 10.

4 [351 a.d.] Cf. 2 Pet. ii. 22.

5 Apol. Const. 19.

6 [351 a.d.]

7 [353 and 355.]

8 93 De Syn. 12, note 11.

9 Mark xiii. 9.

10 Cf. de Syn. 5, note. and above Ep. Aeg. 7.

11 John xix. 15, and Orat i. 8, note.

12 oson oudetw, above, 13; Const. died Nov. 3, 361 aged 45.

13 Jer xvii. 11, LXX.

14 Vid. note on §67 [and Bright, Hist. Writings of Ath. p. lxviii. note 9].

15 Vid. Ps. lxxiv. 6.

16 Matt. xvi. 24.

17 Cant. v. 2.

18 1 Sam. xxvi. 9.

19 Apol. Const. 27; Apol. Fug. 4, and below, §76.

20 §26, and references there.

21 diatagh, cf. §36.

22 Infr. §40, vid. Acts viii. 4; Phil. i. 13.

1 In contrast to date of his fall.

2 thn manian eceteinan; vid. ekteinai thn manian, §42. And so in the letter of the Council of Chalcedon to Pope Leo; which says that Dioscorus, kat' autou thj ampelou thn fulakhn para tou swthroj epitetrammenou thn manian eceteine, legomen dh thj shj osiothtoj. Hard. Conc. t. 2. p. 636. [Cf. Prolegg. ch. av. §4.]

3 By Romania is meant the Roman Empire, according to Montfaucon after Nannius. vid. Praefat. xxxiv. xxxv. And so Epiph. Hoer, lxvi, 1 fin, p. 618, and lxviii. 2 init. p. 728, Nil. Ep. i. 75. vid. Du Cange Gloss. Groec. in voc.

4 At Alexandria.

5 At Sardica.

6 Vid. Apol. Ar. 29.

7 paradosij, vid. §14.

8 Apol. Ar. §35.

9 twn apastolwn diatacij, cf. §34.

10 Vid. Pallavicin. Conc. Trid. vi. 7. Sarpi. Hist. ii. 37.

11 [I Sam. xiii. 9. cf. D.C.A. 1132, s.v. Martyrium.]

12 Vid. Gibbon, Hist. ch. 19 init.

13 Ostia, vid. Gibbon, Hist. ch. 31, p. 303.

14 Acts viii. 27.

15 Matt. xvi. 16, allusion to Liberius? vid. Hard. Conc. t. 2. p. 305 E.

16 Can. Nic. 1.

17 [356 a.d.]

18 Cf. §34.

19 Acts ix. 5.

20 [But see Theodoret, Hist. ii. 16.]

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