1 Deut. xxx. 14.

2 Luc. xvii. 12.

3 Cf. Vit. Ant 34.

4 Supra xxx.

5 Compare the somewhat analogous argument in Butler, Serm. ii.

6 Cf. Plato Paedr. 245 C-E., Legg. 896, A, B. The former passage is more likely to be referred to here as it is, like the text, an argument for immortality. Athan, has also referred to Phaedrus above. §5. (Against Gwatkin, Stuaies, p. 101.

7 Cp. xxxi. 5, and ref.

8 Gen. i. 26.

1 Cf. below, 40. 2.

2 Cf. Orat. ii. 32.

3 Rom. i. 20.

4 Acts xiv. 15.

5 umin and umwn below are read by several mss., and are probably correct as in the original passage.

6 The `fixed' stars as distinct from the planets. For the argument. cf. Plato, Legg. 966 E.

7 Or, perhaps, "innate, self-evident maxim" (logoj fusikoj).

8 lit. "the steering-paddles."

9 Cf. above 2.2 and note, also 35. 1.

10 spermatikoj.

11 Joh. i. 1.

12 neuma, i.e. act of will, or fiat.

13 De Incarn. 41. 3.

14 Joh. i. 18, R. V. Marg.

15 epibebhkenj, see for the sense Incarn. 43.4, &c.

16 Plato Timaeus 29 E, quoted also de Incarn. 3. 3. This explanation of Divine Creation is also adopted by Philo de Migratione Abrah. 32 (and see Drummond's Philo, vol. 2, pp. 56, sqq.).

17 Plato Politic. (see de Incarn. 43. 7, note).

18 Col. i. 15-18.

19 Joh i. 1.

20 Wisd. xiii. 5.

21 Cf. de Sent. Dionys. 23.

22 Joh. xiv. 9.

23 Ex. xx. 4.

24 Ps. cxv. 4-7.

25 Deut. iv. 19.

26 Ex. xx. 3.

27 Deut. vi. 4, Deut. vi. 5, Deut. vi. 13.

28 Ps. cxix 90.

29 Ps. cxlvii. 7-9.

30 Ps xxxiii. 6.

31 Ps. cxlviii. 5.

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