100 katapoqhnai i.e., was absorbed and made to disappear. Contrast the adsumptione Humanitatis in Deum (or "in Deo,' as the older mss. read) of the Athanasian Creed.

101 The allusion is to the fable of Saturn devouring his children at their birth.

102 Luke ii. 12 and Luke ii. 16.

103 Matt. ii. 13.

104 Luke xxiv. 38, Luke xxiv. 39.

105 Mark xii. 25.

106 Acts i. 4.

107 Acts x. 41.

108 Mark v. 43.

109 John xii. 21.

110 I. Cor. xv. 42, I. Cor. xv. 43, I. Cor. xv. 44.

111 Contrast Plato Gorgias §169 kateagota te ei tou hn melh h diestrammena zwntoj kai teqnewtoj tauta endhla, and Virgil Aen. vi. 494.

Deiphobum vidit lacerum crudeliter ora."

112 Luke xxiv. 39.

113 I. Cor. xv. 53.

This document (last modified February 03, 1998) from Believerscafe.com
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