58 Matt. xxii. 42.
59 Matt. xxii. 43 and Matt. xxii. 44.
60 Matt. xx. 31.
61 Matt. xv. 22.
62 Matt. xxi. 9.
63 Luke xix. 40.
64 II. Tim. ii. 8.
65 II. Tim. ii. 9.
66 Luke xxiv. 39.
67 The metallic compound called electron is described by Strabo p. 146 as the mixed residuum, or scouring, (kaqarma) left after the first smelting of gold ore. Pliny (H. N. xxxiii. 23) describes it as containing 1 part silver to 4 gold. cf. Soph. Antig. 1038, and Herod. i. 50.
68 John i. 1.
69 John i. 3.
70 John 1. 1-3.
71 Matt i. 1.
72 Luke iii. 23.
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