34 Heb. vii. 3.

35 The bearing of this on Theodoret's relation to Nestorianism will be observed.

36 Is. liii. 8.

37 Heb. vii. 6.

38 Gen. i. 27.

39 I. Cor. xi. 7.

40 Coloss. 1. 15.

41 Hebrews vii. 3.

42 Gen. iv. 25.

43 Gen. v. 5.

44 Heb. vi. 20.

45 Tim. ii. 5, Tim. ii. 6.

46 oikonomia. Vide p. 72 n.

47 1 Tim ii. 5.

48 1 Cor. xv. 21.

49 1 Cor. xv. 22.

50 Acts ii. 22.

51 Acts vii. 56

52 1 Peter iii. 15.

53 Eph. vi. 11 and Eph. vi. 13, and observe looseness of quotation.

54 Eph. vi. 14.

55 John x. 32.

56 John x. 33.

57 John x. 34, John x. 35, John x. 36, John x. 37, John x. 38. Observe the variation in 34, and the omission in 38.

This document (last modified February 03, 1998) from Believerscafe.com
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