14 ktisqei\j.
15 oi0konomi/a signifies all that Christ did and suffered on earth for the salvation of mankind. Vide Euseb. Hist. Ecc. i. 1, Not. 11, ed. Heinichen.
16 e0cousi/a.
17 ou#tw ta\ pra/gmata w0|kono/mei.
18 al. "and Christ, simply a Man."
19 "made," E. V.
20 parei/lhtai e0pi\ th=: oi0konomi/aj, "adopted in reference to."
21 proaiw/nioj.
22 sugkata/basij.
23 a0ge/nnhton.
24 th\n pro\j au0to\n a0parallaci/an.
25 al. "love of rule."
26 a0lei/qei.
27 proe/teinan.
28 i.e. gave up their salvation rather than offend others.
29 katakrhmni/zetai.
30 al. "but it may be seen from this."
31 do/ca.
32 kenodoci/a, lit. "empty glory."
33 eu0genei/a, "high birth."
1 oi0konomi/aj.
2 ai0w=noj.
3 lo/gon.
4 ou0si/a e0nupo/statoj.
5 proelqou==sa.
6 a0paqw=j.
7 u9posta/sei.
8 al. "God with God."
9 xronikh;.
10 nohtw=n.
11 a0topw/tera.
12 fu/se/wj.
13 to\ au0to\ dh\ tou=to e@stin ou@twj w9j e0kei/nh| ou0sia| pre/pon h@n.
14 dia/sthma.
15 me/son.
16 a0naballo/meqa, "put off."
17 LXX. e@stin.
18 to;, al. o9.
19 gi/netai.
20 Heathens.
21 a@nwqen, "a parte ante".
22 a0po\ tou= ai0w=noj.
23 sunexw=j.
24 sugkrotei=, al. sugkratei=.
25 latreu/ein.
26 'Ellhniko\n.
27 drapeteu/sei.
28 a!rxein xeirw=n a0di/kwn.
29 tro/poj.
30 tro/pou to\ ei\doj.
1 i.e. the visible creation.
2 o9rato\n.
3 nohto\n.
4 e0kkulisqh, lit. "been rolled away."
5 gegone.
6 dhmiourgi/aj.
7 e0k periousi/aj.
8 au0tozwh/.
9 Sav. and Ms. Bodl. proh|sqai.
This document (last modified February 03, 1998) from Believerscafe.com
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