44 sh=yij, q. d. "the wear and tear."

45 logismou/j.

46 [The translator has omitted a clause: "and dares not face him," kai\ a0ntible/yai ou0 tolma=.]

1 Matt. xiii. 54.

2 Matt. xiii. 58.

3 Matt. xi. 23.

4 Amos. vii. 14 15.

5 Matt. xiii. 54: [R. V., margin, "Greek, powers."]

6 Matt. xiii. 55.

7 [R. V., "Joseph," following a reading better supported than that of the recorded text, which agrees with that in the Homily.-R.]

8 Matt. xiii. 55,56.

9 Matt. xiii. 57, 58. [Chrysostom omits "there."]

10 Mark vi. 5. [shmei=a, "signs;" but even in Mark this expression does not occur in this connection.-R.]

11 Luke iv. 23.

12 Luke iv. 25-27.

13 Matt. xiv. 1. [R. V., "the report concerning Jesus."

14 "Perspicuum est praedictionem Christi reges mundi audire novissimos". St. Jerome, in Jonam. c. iii.

15 Matt. xiii. 2.

16 Luke ix. 8. Comp. Matt. xvi. 14.

17 Mark vi. 16; Luke ix. 9

18 pronhgoume/nwj.

19 Mark vi. 20.

20 Matt. xiii. 3-5.

21 [R. V., "come ;" rec. text as in Homily.]

22 [R. V., "in the midst ;" so Homily, see below.-R.]

23 Matt. xiii. 6.7.

24 ["Swore" is substituted for "promised ;" peculiar to Chrysostom, but probably borrowed from Mark vi. 23.-R.]

25 [R. V., "being put forward by."]

26 Matt. xiii. 6-8.

27 Matt. xiii. 9. [R. V., "was grieved."]

28 Deut. xxv. 5.

29 Mark vi. 23.

30 [di0 o!rxhsin au0th=j paraxwrh=sai, "to concede for the sake of her dance."-R.]

31 Matt. x. 37.

This document (last modified February 03, 1998) from Believerscafe.com
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