49 Matt v. 17.
50 John v. 8, 9.
51 Mark ii. 9.
52 Continent.
53 Job i. 21, Sept.
54 John xiv. 8.
1 Meritum.
2 Isa. vii. 9, Sept.
3 2 Pet. i. 19.
4 Substantia; u\po/stasij.
5 Sperantium, as St Augustin uniformly reads, Tract. 79 and 95, in Joh. de pecc. mer. ii. 31. St, Ambrose and St. Jerome have the pass.
6 Heb. xi i.
7 Vim.
8 Rom. i. 20.
9 Ps. xxxii. 9.
10 Secreta.
11 Publica.
12 Matt. xiv. 21.
13 John ii. 9.
14 Artificem.
15 Ecclus. vi. 37.
16 Ps. xvi. 7, Sept. (xvii. 7, English version).
17 John i. 1.
18 The punctuation of the reprint of the Ben. has been followed, "Jamne vides jam, inquam, vides? carnem interrogo, sed carnem ostendo." The Ben. pointed, "vides carnem," but noted Locus mendosus. The meaning may be, "It is of His Birth in the Flesh that I enquire, but I point out the mode of that Birth, i.e. of a Virgin."
19 Ps. xix. 5.
20 John i. 1.
21 John v. 19.
22 Ps. cxvi. 10.
23 Sinceriter.
24 Movit.
25 Strepitum.
26 Artifices.
27 John i. 3.
28 Eph. i. 5.
29 Quaestionem.
30 Consequens.
31 John xi.
32 John ix.
33 Gen. i. 26.
34 Gen. i. 27.
35 Intentio.
36 Merito.
37 John i. 1.
38 John i. 3.
39 John x. 30.
40 Phil. ii. 6.
41 Matt. v. 8.
42 John xiv. 21.
43 John xiv. 8.
44 Deificati.
45 Vid. St. Athanasius, Treatise against Arians, Oxford edit. Nicene Def. ch. iii. 12, § 14 and Disc. 1, ch. xi. § 39, p. 336, and note c. Vide St. Augustin, Ps. 49, § 2.
46 John xiv. 21.
47 John xiii. 34.
48 Cape per quod sis capax.
49 See Tract. 18 and 20 in Joh.
1 1 Cor. ii. 9.
2 Jacentem.
3 Mereamur.
4 Matt. xxv. 34.
5 Matt. xxv. 46.
6 John v. 24-26.
7 John i. 3.
8 2 Cor. v. 6, 7.
9 1 John iii. 2.
10 Magnus.
11 Matt. viii. 22.
12 Eph. v. 14.
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