23 John xv. 22.

24 Matt. xi. 28.

25 Rom. v. 20.

26 Matt. ix. 13.

27 Studium.

28 Fastidium.

29 John iii. 5.

30 Mark iii. 28, 29. Reus aeterni peccati, a0marth/matoj (for kri/sewj). So also Cyprian, Ep. xvi.

31 Luke xii. 10.

32 Clause dictum.

33 1 Cor. xiv. 15.

34 Contradictioni.

35 Jas. i. 13.

36 Deut. xiii. 3.

37 John vi. 5, 6.

38 Mark xvi. 16.

39 Jas. ii. 19.

40 Acts viii. 13.

41 Gal. v. 6.

42 John vi. 56.

43 1 Cor. xi. 29.

44 Luke xxii. 21.

45 Confectum.

46 Blasphemandi modus, vel potius immoderatio.

47 Proprietate.

48 Substantia.

49 See note on the word Hypostasis in the Nicene Anathema, St. Ath. Treatises against Arianism, part 1, p. 66, Oxford translation.

50 Conf. lib. vii. x. (16).

51 Insinuatur.

52 Auctoritas; St. Augustin, C. Maxim. iii. 14, guards the word against any idea of inequality; see Pet. De Trin. v. and 5. 11-13, who observes that the Greeks have no word exactly corresponding, although a0rxh, ai>\tion, are equivalent.

53 Commune.

54 Rom. v. 5.

55 1 Pet. iv. 8.

56 Origo.

57 Orta.

58 Effusa.

59 Isa. lix. 2.

60 John xx. 22, 23.

61 John iii. 5.

62 Matt. iii. 1, 2.

63 Matt. iv. 17.

64 Matt. iii. 11.

65 Acts i. 5.

66 See note g on Tert. De Bapt. c. 10, p. 268, Oxford translation.

67 Acts ii. 3.

68 Luke xii. 49.

69 Rom. xii. 11.

70 Rom. v. 5.

71 Matt. xxiv. 12.

72 Col. i. 13.

73 John xii. 31.

74 Eph. ii. 2.

75 Rom. ii. 4-6.

76 Matt. iii. 2 and iv. 17.

77 Luke xxiv. 46, 47.

78 Judicari.

79 Ezek. xviii. 23.

80 1 Cor. iv. 5.

81 I Tim. v. 17.

82 Jas. i. 22.

83 John iii. 5.

84 John xx. 22, 23.

85 Matt. xii. 31.

86 Mark iii. 28.

87 John xv. 22.

88 John xvi. 8, 9.

89 Matt. vi. 14.

90 Matt. vi. 9.

91 Matt. vi. 12.

92 Matt. ix. 6.

93 John xiv. 10.

94 John v. 17.

95 John v. 19.

96 John xv. 24.

97 Matt. xii. 28.

98 Ps. lxxiii. 7, Sept. (lxxiv. 7, English version).

99 Josh. v. 3.

100 John iii. 8.

101 1 Cor. xii. 11.

102 John xiv. 10.

103 Origo.

104 John xv. 24.

105 Serm. ii. (lii. Bened.) 8-13 (iv.).

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