75 Phil. ii. 13.

76 Prov. viii. 35.

77 Rom. xi. 6.

78 Acts ix. 1.

79 Tit. iii. 5.

80 See above, ch. 6.

81 John vi. 66.

82 John vi. 44.

83 2 Chron. xxx. 12.

84 Ezek. xxxvi. 26, 27.

85 Esther xiv. 13.

86 Esther xv. 5 ff.

87 1 Cor. iv. 7.

88 Ps. cxvi. 10.

89 2 Cor. iv. 13.

90 Acts xv. 10, 11.

91 See above, On Original Sin, 30.

92 1 Tim. ii. 5.

93 Mark xvi. 16.

94 John vi. 34.

95 Rom. xi. 6.

1 1 Tim. iv. ff.

2 Eccles. vii. 30.

3 John viii. 36.

4 Matt. xii. 33.

5 I John i. 8.

6 See On Original Sin, 9, 5, 8.

7 Phil. iii. 15.

8 See Augustin's Letters, 181, 182, 183.

9 Augustin's Letters, 181, 7.

10 See On Original Sin, 3.

11 See Augustin's Letters, 182, 5.

12 An address like "your Honour," "your Love," etc.

13 John vi. 54.

14 Rom. ii. 11; Col. iii. 25.

15 Ex. xxxiii. 19; Rom. ix. 15.

16 Rom. ix. 16.

17 See On the Proceedings of Pelagius, 30.

18 See On the Proceedings of Pelagius, 34.

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