69 See above in Book ii. 22 [xvi.].

70 See Book iii., next to last chapter.

1 [When Augustin's friend Alypius brought to Africa the extracts from Julian's reply to Augustin's first book On Marriage and Concupiscence, which were sent by Count Valerius, and which occasioned the writing of his second book on the same subject (see above, pp. 259 and 281), he also brought two letters sent by Pope Boniface; the one ascribed to Julian, and the other to eighteen bishops including Julian, which attacked the catholic faith, and Augustin personally. It was in answer to these that this treatise was written.-W.]

1 The Latin words being amicitia (friendship) and amor (love).

2 1 Cor. i. 31.

3 John viii. 36.

4 Rom. vi. 20.

5 Rom. vi. 20.

6 John viii. 36 ff..

7 John i. 12.

8 Phil. i. 28, 29.

9 Eph. vi. 23.

10 John vi. 44.

11 John vi. 64.

12 John vi. 64 ff.

13 Rom. xiv. 23.

14 Hab. ii. 4.

15 Rom. i. 17.

16 On the Proceedings of Pelagius, 30.

17 On the Grace of Christ, 3, 34.

18 On Marriage and Concupiscence, Book i.

19 Gen. ii. 24.

20 Prov. xix. 24.

21 Matt. xix. 3, 6.

22 Eph. v. 25.

23 On Marriage and Concupiscence, i. 37.

24 1 Cor. i. 13.

25 Jer. xvii. 5.

26 Ps. xlix. 6.

27 Gal. iv. 24.

28 Ex. xx. 7.

29 1 Tim. ii. 5.

30 Rom. vii. 18.

31 Rom. iii. 20.

32 Rom. iii. 27.

33 Rom. iv. 13, etc.

34 Rom. v. 20.

35 Rom. vi. 14.

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