50 Gen. ix. 1.
51 Matt. v. 45.
52 Gal. v. 17.
53 Wisd. vi. 21. The word in the Latin Bible in both cases is "concupiscentia."
54 i.e., Isaac's.
55 Gen. xvii. 14.
56 Rom. v. 12.
57 Rom. iv. 25.
58 Rom. iv. 10, 11.
59 Gal. iv. 24.
60 Gal. iii. 21.
61 Rom. vii. 25.
62 1 Cor. xv. 36.
63 The translation adopts the conjecture of the Benedictine editors: in vitium, instead of in vitio or initio, as the Mss. read.
64 See Gen. xx. 2, 4, 5, 8, 14, 17.
65 Gen. xx. 18.
66 Gen. ii. 25.
67 1 Cor. xv. 36.
68 1 Cor. xv. 37.
69 Above, ch. 26 [xiii.].
70 Rom. ix. 23.
71 Rom. ix. 20, 21.
72 Matt. xxv. 33.
73 Matt. v. 45.
74 Wisd. xii. 11.
75 Rom. ix. 33.
76 2 Cor. x. 17.
77 Col. i. 13.
78 John xii. 31.
79 There is a climax in infecerit and interfecerit.
80 Rom. i. 27.
81 Gen. xxi. 1, 2, and xix. 24.
82 Ezek. xvi. 49.
83 See first chapter of the first book of this treatise.
84 Rom. i. 27.
85 Rom. ix. 26.
86 Gen. iii. 7.
87 Rom. vii. 18.
88 Rom. v. 12.
89 1 Cor. xv. 38.
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