45 See Ecclus. xix. 16.

46 See Jas. iii. 2.

47 See below, in chap. 57 [xxxi.].

48 Rom. vii. 24,25.

49 Matt. vi. 13.

50 Gal. ii. 21.

51 2 Cor. iii. 6.

52 Rom. vii. 7, 8.

53 Rom. vii. 12.

54 Rom. vii. 13.

55 Rom. vii. 14-16.

56 Rom. vii. 23.

57 Rom. vii. 24,25.

58 Rom. vii. 25.

59 Rom. vii. 18.

60 Rom. vii. 18.

61 Rom. vii. 7.

62 Rom. vii. 15.

63 Rom. vii. 18.

64 Timasius and Jacobus, at whose Instance Augustin wrote, and to whom he addressed his book De Naturâ et Gratiâ.

65 The reader may consult the treatise De Naturâ et Gratiâ, chs 53 and 54, on this opinion of Pelagius.

66 See De Naturâ et Gratiâ, xxxvii. (44).

67 See above, ch 16 (vi).

68 Hanc talem haeresim.

69 Compare Augustin's work De Peccato Originali, ch xi. (12).

70 See same treatise as before, and same chapter.

71 See Augustin's letter to Hilary, in Epist 157.

72 "In the Basilica Majorum." According to another reading, "the church of Majorinus."

73 Augustin mentions their names in his work Contra Julianum, Book i. ch. v. 19)..

74 1 John i. 8.

75 Matt. vi. 12.

76 1 John i. 8.

77 Matt. vi. 12.

78 1 Cor. vii. 25.

79 1 Cor. vii. 7.

80 This "better expression," "non expedit ducere," Augustin substitutes for the reading "non expedit nubere," as applied to a woman's taking a husband. The original, gamh=sai [not gamei=sqai], justifies Augustin's preference.

81 Matt. xix. 10, 11.

82 See above, (20).

83 He refers to Pelagius' work which Augustin received from Jacobus and Timasius, aud against which he wrote his treatise De Naturâ et Gratiâ.

84 See above, (2).

85 Phil. i. 19.

86 Matt. x. 19, 20.

87 See above, (5).

88 Ps. cxix. 133.

89 1 Cor. xii. 28.

90 1 Tim. iv. 1.

91 1 Tim. ii. 7.

92 Acts xxviii. 5.

93 Acts xiv. 8, 9.

94 1 Cor. xiv. 18.

95 1 Cor. xii. 17.

96 Another reading has Ecclesiarum, instead of gratiarum; q.d. "difference in churches."

This document (last modified February 03, 1998) from Believerscafe.com
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