52 1 Cor. i. 17.

53 Ps. xli. 4.

54 Matt. ix. 12, 13.

55 Matt. i. 21.

56 Ps. cii. 4.

57 Matt. i. 21.

58 Matt. ix. 12.

59 1 Tim. i. 15.

60 Rom. i. 21.

61 Rom. i. 23.

62 Rom. i. 24.

63 Rom. i. 24.

64 Rom. i. 25, 26.

65 Rom. i. 26, 27.

66 Rom. i. 27.

67 Rom. i. 28-31.

68 Eph. v. 14.

69 Ps. lxxi. 5.

70 The tribune Marcellinus had been put to death in the September of 413, "having, though innocent, fallen a victim to the cruel hatred of the tyrant Heraclius," as Jerome writes in his book iii. against the Pelagians. Honorius mentions him as a "man on conspicuous renown," in a law enacted August 30, in the year 414, contained in the Cod Theod. xvi. 5 (de haereticis), line 55. Compare the notes above, pp. 15 and 80.

71 Heb. ii. 14.

72 Col. i. 13.

73 John xiv. 30.

74 John xiv. 31.

75 Ps. xxx. 7.

76 Ps. xxx. 8.

77 1 Cor. iv. 7.

78 Ps. xxx. 7.

79 See the treatise De Peccatorum Meritis, ii. 22.

80 2 Cor. xii. 9.

81 2 Cor. xii. 7, 8.

82 Phil. ii. 12, 13.

83 Ps. xxx. 6.

84 1 Cor. vi. 19.

85 1 Tim. i. 20.

86 Ecclus. x. 13.

87 Gen. iii. 5.

88 Ecclus. x. 13.

89 Ecclus. x. 12.

90 Ps. xxxvii. 6.

91 Ps. xxxvii. 5.

92 John xv. 5.

93 Ps. lix. 10.

94 Ps. xxiii. 6.

95 See Ps. xliv. 18.

96 Rom. x. 2.

97 Rom. x. 3.

98 Rom. x. 4.

99 John xiv. 6.

100 Phil. ii. 12.

101 Ps. ii. 11, 12.

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