43 Veritatis fortissimis documentis Catholica expugnat; and so the Mss. The earlier editors, apparently not understanding the omission of "ecclesia," read "veritas."
44 Mark iii. 23.
45 See II. 18, 40, 41.
46 Ps. xiv. 6, LXX. Hieron., N. Af. version.
47 Ps. lxxxiii. 16.
1 Written probably in the beginning of 401 A.D. Some say in 402.
2 John i. 33.
3 Rom. iv. 5 .
4 Jer. xvii. 5.
5 1 Cor. iv. 15.
6 Phil. i. 17, 18.
7 Phil. ii. 21.
8 Matt. xxiii. 3.
9 Matt. vii. 17, 16.
10 Matt. xii. 35.
11 Ecclus. xxxiv. 25; see on I. 9, 10.
12 Matt. viii. 21, 22.
13 Matt. xii. 45.
14 Rom. vi. 9.
15 Acts viii. 13, 18, 19.
16 1 Tim. v. 6.
17 Matt. xxvii. 4, 5.
18 John xvii. 12.
19 Ps. cix. 8, 9.
20 2 Macc. vii. 9. The words in brackets are not in the original Greek.
21 Ps. xxii. 16-18.
22 Ps. xxii. 27, 28.
23 Ps. ii. 8.
24 Majorinus, ordained by the Numidian bishops in 311 A.D.
25 Gal. iii. 29.
26 Rom. viii. 17.
27 Gen. xxii. 18.
28 Luke xxiv. 46, 47.
29 1 Cor. v. 5.
30 1 Tim. i. 20.
31 John ii. 15-17.
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