57 Carnalibus integumentis involuta atque operta.

58 Or = confusing the sense by false pauses: perturbateque distinguere.

59 Ut sono in foro, sic voto in ecclesia benedici.

60 Bona dictio, nunquam tamen benedictio.

61 The sentence, "either in that he is actually not stirred...by what is said," is omitted in many Mss.

62 2 Cor. ix. 7.

63 1 Pet. ii. 21.

64 Phil. ii. 17. The form in which the quotation is given above, with the omission of the intermediate clauses, is due probably to the copyist, and not to Augustin himself. The words left out are given thus in the Serm. XLVII on Ezekiel xxxiv.: "Being made in the likeness of men, and being found in the fashion of a man: He humbled Himself, being made obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." [See R. V.]

65 Cf. 1 Cor. ix. 22

66 2 Cor. v. 13, 14.

67 Cf. 2 Cor. xii. 15.

68 Cf. 1 Thess. ii. 7.

69 Illius gallinoe,-in reference to Matt. xxiii. 37.

70 Cf. Rom. i. 30.

71 Rom. ii. 4. [See R. V.].

72 Rom. ii. 5.

73 John vi. 67.

74 2 Tim. ii. 19.

75 A caritate jaculatur.

76 Concurrant in bonum. Rom. viii. 28.

77 Some editions read arcem = stronghold, instead of artem.

78 Or = wherein: ubi.

79 Instead of eam, the reading ea = those things, also occurs.

80 Or = by the reverence which he feels for the man: humana verecundia.

81 The text gives simply Catholicae. One Ms. has Catholicae fidei = the Catholic faith. But it is most natural to supply Ecclesiae.

82 Instead of viros fratres, some mss. read veros fratres = our genuine brethren.

83 Luke x. 39.

84 Initiandi = initiated.

85 Prov. xix. 21.

86 Matt. xxiii. 15.

87 Ps. li. 17.

88 Ecclus. iii. 30.

89 Hos. vi. 6.

90 Faeano = hay.

91 Reading istud edentis; for which some editions give studentis = of one who studies it.

92 Matt. xxv. 26, 27.

93 Rom. v. 5.

94 Ps. lxxix. 11.

95 Cf. Ps. xxv. 18.

96 Ut aliquam observationem sermonis tui a nobis audire quaereres.

97 Idiotarum.

98 Isa. xl. 6, 8; 1 Pet. i. 24, 25.

99 Reading sive sintoe qui appellantur, for which there occur such varieties of reading as these: sint athletoe qui appellantur = those who are called athletes; or sint aequi appellantur; or simply sint qui appellantur = whatever name they bear, whether actors, etc. The term sintae, borrowed from the Greek Sintai = devourers, spoilers, may have been a word in common use among the Africans, as the Benedictine editors suggest, for designating some sort of coarse characters.

100 Thymelici, strictly = the musicians belonging to the thymele, or orchestra.

101 Reading incitatis favent, for which some Mss. give incitati = excited themselves, they favor them; and others have incitantes = exciting them, they favor them.

102 Compare a passage in the Confessions, vi. 13.

103 Cf. Matt. xxv. 34, 41.

104 1 Cor. ii. 9.

105 Gen. ii. 1-3.

106 Ps. cxlviii. 5.

107 Humanitate, = humanity, also occurs instead of humilitate.

108 Rather "spirits." See the correction made in the Retractations, ii. 14, as given above in the Introductory Notice.

109 The beatitatem is omitted by several mss..

110 Gen. vi. 7.

111 Jonah iii.

112 Instead of pascunt the reading miscent, = mix, is also found.

113 Gen. xxv. 26, xxxviii. 27-30.

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