213 Isa. xl. 6.

214 Luke xiii. 12, Literally `thou art sent away. 0'

215 Matt. xv. 23.

216 Matt. xv. 28.

1 Matt. xvi. 1.

2 Luke xxiii. 12.

3 Luke xxiii. 21.

4 2 Kings xxiv. 7.

5 2 Kings xix. 9.

6 Ps. ii. 2.

7 Matt. ix. 24, xii. 24.

8 The familiar saying so frequently quoted as Scripture in the Fathers, sometimes ascribed to Jesus by them, sometimes to Paul. see Suicer.

9 Job i. 1 6.

10 2 Thess. ii. 9.

11 Isa. vii. 11.

12 2 Thess. ii. 9, 10.

13 2 Thess. ii. 9, 10.

14 Gen. i. 26.

15 Matt. xi. 4, 5.

16 Matt. xvi. 4.

17 Ps.lxxxviii. 6.

18 Matt. xvi. 4.

19 Phil. iii. 3.

20 Rom. vii. 23.

21 Prov. xix. 14.

22 Rom. vii. 1, 2. H gar upandroj gunh tw zwnti andri dedetai nomw. The reader must note that Origen takes nomw in apposition to andri.

23 1 Cor. ix. 10.

24 Or, who was God.

25 Rom. vi. 9.

26 Rom. vii. 2, 3.

27 Matt. xvi. 4.

28 Rom. vii. 23.

29 Hos. i. 2.

30 Isa. i. 21.

31 Josh. vi. 25.

32 Luke vii. 37-50. Cf. Matt. xxvi. 6.

33 Matt. xvi. 5.

34 Cf. Gal. iii. 3.

35 Matt. xvi. 6.

36 John vi. 33, 51.

37 1 Cor. v. 8.

38 Heb. x. 1.

39 Col. ii. 17.

40 Matt. xvi. 7.

41 Matt. xvi. 6.

42 Matt. xvi. 6.

43 Matt. xxviii. 20.

44 Matt. xv. 32.

45 Matt. xvi. 8.

46 1 Kings viii. 39

47 Matt. xvi. 6.

48 1 Cor. xiii. 10.

49 Deut. xxii. 25.

50 Or, violence in the licentious person.

51 Matt. xvi. 7, 8.

52 John xiv. 13,14.

53 Matt. xvi. 13.

54 Or, Him.

55 Matt. xiv. 2.

56 Jer. i. 10.

57 Matt. xvi. 14.

58 Matt. xvi. 17.

59 Matt. xvi. 16.

60 Jer. xxii. 24.

61 Jer. ii, 13.

62 John xiv. 6.

63 Matt. xvi. 16.

64 Matt xi. 14.

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