48 Heb. xi. 16.
49 Ps. cxvi. 9.
50 Matt. v. 16.
51 1 Tim. iv. 16.
52 John xvi. 14, 15.
53 Ps. vi. 6.
54 Ephes. v. 8.
55 The demiurge.
56 1 Cor. ii. 14, 15.
57 Matt. xxii. 30.
58 2 Kings ii. 14.
59 Judith ix. 2.
60 Gen. i. 26.
61 Zechar i ; Hagg. i. 13.
62 Mal. iii. 1; Mark i. 2.
63 v. 13, 14.
64 i. 5.
65 Ps. xxxvi. 10. 4 viii. 12.
66 viii. 12.
67 Isa. xlii. 6.
68 Ps. xxvii. 1.
69 i. 5.
70 xxvi. 9.
71 xix. 9.
72 Hosea x. 12.
73 1 John i. 6; ii. 9. 11.
74 Ps. lxxxii. 5.
75 1 John i. 5.
76 oudemia, not one.
77 2 Cor. v. 21.
78 Rom. viii, 3.
79 Matt. viii. 17.
80 Matt. xxvi. 38.
81 Zech. iii. 4.
82 Ps. xxii. 1.
83 Ps. lxix. 5.
84 ix. 2.
85 Rom. viii. 31.
86 xix. 9. 16.
87 Ps. xviii. 11.
88 Prov. i. 6.
89 John i. 6.
90 Gen. iii. 23
91 vi. 1, 9.
92 Luke i. 17.
93 John i. 33.
94 Luke i. 13, 15.
95 Matt. xi. 14.
96 2 Thess. ii. 11, 12.
97 Jer. i. 7.
98 Ezek. ii. 3.
99 Rom. ix. 11-14
100 Isa. xl. 3.
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