31 Lit., makest a word for him.

32 See note 5, p. 420

33 Procidentes; but this, according to the Greek, should be procedentes, coming before Him.

34 [The Latin has Arimathia; an din the next clause there are variations in the MSS.-R.]

35 Another reading is compunctus, pricked. The reading in the text, obstructus, is a curious mistranslation of the word in the Greek, peritetmhme/noj, cut away all round, i.e., circumcised; or, by an obvious transition, hemmed in-the meaning adopted in the version before us.

36 Confirmabimus.

37 [Comp. Mark xvi. 15-19; from the disputed ending of that Gospel.-R.]

38 Concidebantur, a mistranslation from considering e0ko/ptonto as passive, they were cut, instead of middle, they beat their breasts.

39 i.e., servants.

40 The Greek r9h=ma means thing as well as word.

41 Perhaps this would be better as a question: Is it good?

42 Lit., mouth.

43 Or, its. The text of the clause is corrupt.

44 i.e., was tried before.

45 Comp. Ps. cxviii. 23.

46 Ps. lxxii. 11, 17.

This document (last modified February 03, 1998) from Believerscafe.com
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