23 [Comp. Recognitions, iv. 7.-R.]

1 [Much of the matter in this Homiliy is to be found in Recognitions, iv.-R.]

2 [With this and the succeeding chapters compare Recognitions, i. 30, 31, but more particularly iv. 27-31, which furnish a close parallel.-R.]

3 That is, I suppose, the wicked one.

4 I suppose Nimrod, or Zoroaster.

5 [Comp. Recognitions, iv. 13.-R.]

6 [Compare with chapters 8-18 the parallel passage in Recognitions, iv. 14-22. The resemblances are quite close.-R.]

7 The gender is here changed, but the sense shows that the reference is still to the demons. I suppose the author forgot that in the preceding sentences he had written daimonej (masc.) and not daimo/nia (neut.).

8 Some read o#twj, thus.

9 The meaning is: "the idols or images of the heathen deities are not living, but the demons adopt the forms of these images when they appear to men in dreams."

10 [With chaps. 19-21 compae Recognitions, iv. 32, 35, which closely resemble them.-R.]

11 I prefer here the common text to any of the proposted emendations, and suppose that the author represents Caesar, though but one man, as the image or personification of the whole empire.

12 [Comp. Recognitions, iv. 7.-R.]

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