15 [This opening sentence occurs in the Homilies, but in other parts the discourses differ. This is far more dignified and consistent than that in the Homilies, which at once introduces a claim to authority as messenger of the Prophet.-R.]

16 Matt. vi. 33

17 Rom. i. 20.

18 Matt. v. 8.

19 [In Homily III. 38, 39, Simon is represented as at once attacking the Apostle and his monotheism: the arguments are, in the mate, those given in chap. 39 of this book. Chaps. 23-36 are without a direct parallel in the Homilies.-R.]

20 Matt. x. 34.

21 Matt. v. 9.

22 Matt. x. 25.

23 Matt. v. 9.

24 Matt. x. 35, 36: Luke xii. 53.

25 Matt. xxiii.; Luke xi.

26 Matt. x. 12-15; Luke x. 5, 6.

27 Matt. xii. 25.

28 Luke xii. 51-53.

29 Matt. xxviii. 19, 20.

30 [The discussion in the Homilies is represented as virtually beginning with this statement of the Apostle: comp. Homily III. 37. The arguments here, however, are given with greater detail.-R.]

31 [In both the Recognitions and the Homilies the contest turns upon the monotheistic teaching of the Old Testament and the supreme Deity of Jehovah. This is rightly regarded as an evidence of Ebionitic origin. But Gnostic elements enter again and again.-R.]

32 Gen. iii. 5.

33 Gen. iii. 22.

34 Gen i. 26.

35 Gen. iii. 22.

36 Gen. xi. 7.

37 Exod. xxii. 23.

38 Deut. xxxii. 12.

39 [Compare Homily XVI. 6.-R.]

40 [The reply of Peter here is of a higher character than that given in the Homilies (see iii. 40, etc.). Indeed, the report of the entire discussion in the Recognitions shows a superior conception of the Apostle.-R.]

41 Deut. x. 17.

42 Exod. vii. 1.

43 [This remarkable chapter is peculiar to the Recognitions. The angelology seems to be Ebionitic, rather than Gnostic.-R.]

44 Exod. xxii. 28.

45 Deut. xxxii. 39.

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