829 Burgon, Letters from Rome, p. 417.

830 Th. C. Cypriani de Unitate Ecclesiae ad optimorum librorum fidem expressa, cum variis lectionibus, ad notationibus Fellii, Baluzii, etc., instructa. Curante M. F. Hyde, M.A., etc, Burlingtoniae, MDCCCLII.

831 Cap. vi. 14.

832 New York Independent, April 25;, 1878.

833 Hippolytus, vol. iv. p. 161.

834 1 Cor. xiv. 16.

835 Rev. iii. 14.

836 Note a striking use of it, as a name of Christ, by Commodian, vol. iv. 43, p. 211.

837 Num. v. 22; Deut. xxvii. 15; 1 Kings i. 36; 2 Chron. xvi. 36; Jer. xxviii. 6; in the Psalms passim.

838 Vol. iii. cap. xxvii. p. 690, this series.

839 P. 178.

840 A most instructive work, though I by no means accept his theories in full.

841 Guettee, p. 143, ed. New York.

842 Compare Peshito Syriac, where Cephas is the very word applied to all believers. Ed. Trostii, 1621.

843 Richter, Canones et Decreta, etc., p. 10, ed. Lipsiae, 1863.

844 A.D. 348.

845 Acts xv. 13.

846 Acts viii. 14.

847 See Barrow, Works, vol. iii. p. 95, ed New York, 1845.

848 Gal. ii. 11-14.

849 The Principles of the Cyprianic Age, etc., A.D. 1695. Reprinted, Edinburgh, 1846.

850 Leighton, On St. Peter, i. 2, Works, i. p.30, London, 1870.

851 Ed. Paris, 1574.

852 Scrivener, Introduction, etc., p. 302, ed. 1874.

853 Jordan overflows its banks at the time of the passover, Josh. iii. 15, Josh. v. 10, 11.

854 Acts xiii. 7-9.

855 Vol. iv. p. 462.

856 Luke i. 4. Greek.

857 See that very useful little publication of the S. P. C. K., Dr. Littledale's Plain Reasons against Joining the Church of Rome, pp. 18 and 205.

858 See vol. ii. p. 202, note 5.

859 Lecky, History of European Morals, vol. ii. p. 8, ed. New York, 1872. See vol. ii. p. 202, note 5.

860 Phil. iv. 8.

861 Acts xiii. 33.

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