16 See Elucidation III. p. 154, supra.

17 Cyprian facetiously remarks (see Ep. xlviii. p. 325) that Novatus reserved his greater crimes for the greater city; "since Rome, from her magnitude, ought to take precedence of Carthage."

18 Lombard., Sentences, p. 394, ed. Migne. Compare Aquinas.

19 Macarius, Theologie Orthodoxe, vol. iii. p. 244.

20 Catechism of the Council of Trent, cap. vii. quest. 2.

21 A monstrous statement. See Ignatius passim.

22 L'Union Chretienne, p. 69, 1870.

23 A Letter to Pius the Ninth, Bishop of Rome, etc., published by Parker, London, r8ya. It also appeared in most of the languages of Europe, and was circulated by the Greeks in their own tongue.

24 Same epistle and section, farther on. It seems needless to say that these Punic "Africans" were Asiatics, in fact.

25 Ep, xxix. p. 308, supra.

26 Ep. xxx. p. 309, supra.

27 Gal. v. 12 in the Greek.

28 Cap. xx. p. 252, note 7, etc. See vol. iii., this series.

29 Vol. iii. p. 260, cap, xxxvi. and note 13.

30 Gal. ii. 5.

31 This canon of the Council of Milevis ( a.d. 402), at a much later date, maintains the ancient principle.

32 Calvin, De necessitate reformanda ecclesia, Works, vol. viii. p. 60. Amstelodami, 1667.

33 Elucidation III. p. 411, supra.

34 Bingnam, Antiquities, book iii. capp. ii., iii.

35 Eusebius, H. E., book vi. cap, xliii.

36 Consult Cave, Dissertation on the Ancient Church Government, appended to his Primitive Christianity, p. 366.

37 Vol. iii. p. 631.

38 Burgon, Letters from Rome, p. 34. London, 1862.

39 Introduction to Criticism, etc., p. 453, also 564. Compare the Treatise on Unity, sec. 6, p. 423, infra.

40 Calling attention to evidence that verse 8 is a sort of apodosis implying the protasis of verse 7, as read in the Vulgate and English Received.

41 P. 322, note 2.

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