5 1 Cor. iii. 16.

6 Gal. iii. 27.

7 Matt. xxv. 36.

8 [Primitive Christians were grateful for opportunities to distribute gifts. Rom. xii. 13.]

9 [An immense contribution, for the times. In our money reckoned (for temp. Decii) at $3,757. For the Augustan age it would be $4,294. The text (sestertia) dubious. Ed. Paris.

10 [The diptychsare here referred to; that is, lists (read at the Eucharist) in which benefactors, living or dead, were gratefully remembered. Anglice, "beadroll."]

1 Oxford ed.: Ep. ii. CircaA.D. 249.

2 [In the Sistine Chapel of the Vatican, to the disgrace of the pontifical court, the fine music is obtained by recourse to this expedient, inflicted upon children.]

1 Oxford ed.: Ep. iv. He suggests the kind of discipline by which virgins may be kept in their duty, and some matters concern, ing the power of (excommunication in the Church. CircaA.D. 249.

2 [See vol. ii. p. 57, Elucidation II.]

3 Jer. iii. 15.

4 Wisd. iii. 11.

5 Ps. ii. 12(LXX.).

6 Some editors read here "fructu" for "ructu;" but Goldhorn observes that a similar collocation of eructationwith error is found in Horace, Ep. ad Pis., 457.

7 [How coarse and brutal the pagan manners, which even the Gospel could not immediately refine!]

8 Eph. iv. 27.

9 1 Cor. viii. 13.

10 [This abomination may have lingered in Africa much longer that elsewhere among the Punic converts from Canaanite manners. Ezek. viii. 13, 14.]

11 Deut. xvii. 12, 13.

12 Prov. xv. 12, 10.

13 [The frightful condition of heathen society inspired the effort to maintain celibacy, but all this suggests the divine wisdom and clemency in restricting it to the few. Matt. xix. 11.]

14 Gal. iv. 16.

15 Gal. i. 10.

16 [The horrible subject of this letter is treated in a valuable note (k) in the Oxford trans., p 7. It began earlier (see Hermas) than that learned annotator supposes; but the silence of Minucius Felix, and the pagan objector of his story, as to this specific reproach, suggests that it was of rare occurrence. Vol. ii. p. 235.]

1 Oxford ed.: Ep. lxiii. A.D. 253.

2 [A kindly rebuke of those Encratites who were called Hydroparastatae. Epiphan., iii. p. 9, ed. Oehler.]

3 [1 Cor. xi. 2. Our author evidently has this in mind. He is admonishedby such Scriptures to maintain apostolic traditions.]

4 [1 Cor. xi. 2. Our author evidently has this in mind. He is admonishedby such Scriptures to maintain apostolic traditions.]

5 John xv. 1.

6 Gen. xiv. 18.

7 Ps. cx. 4.

8 Gal. iii. 6-9.

9 Matt. iii. 9.

10 Luke xix. 9.

11 Prov.ix. 1-5.

12 Gen. xlix. 11.

13 Isa. lxiii. 2.

14 Isa. xliii. 18-21.

15 [For a full view of all theories of election, see Faber, On the Rrimitive Doctrine of Election, New York, ed. 1840.]

16 Isa. xlviii. 21.

17 John vii.37-39.

18 Matt. v. 6.

19 John iv. 13, 14.

20 [See Justin, vol, i. p. 185, this series.]

21 Matt. xxvi. 28, 29.

22 1 Cor. xi. 23-26.

23 Gal. i. 6-9.

24 Ps. xxiii. 5. [ Vulgate, "calix inebrians." Ps. xxii. 5.]

25 [A happy conception of the inebriationof the Spirit, "where drinking largely sobersus again."]

26 Apoc. xvii. 15.

27 [This figure, copied by St. Augustine (vol. v. p. 1247, ed. Milne). is retained in the liturgy of the Reformed Dutch communion.]

28 John xv. 14, 15.

29 Matt. xvii. 5.

30 Isa. xxix. 13.

31 Mark vii. 13.

32 Matt. v. 19.

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