152 Empedocles.
153 John. i. 18.
154 [Elucidation VII.]
155 Acts xvii. 22, 23.
156 Matt. xi. 27; Luke x. 22.
157 John viii. 24.
158 John iii. 15, 16, 36, v. 24.
159 Ps. ii. 12.
160 The text e0pi/sthtai, but the sense seems to require e0pi/steuse.
161 pe/poiqen has confidence.
162 John x. 1-3, 7.
163 Eph. iii. 5.
164 [Elucidation VIII.]
165 Joel ii. 28.
166 Wisd. vii. 24.
167 Ps. xxxvi. 5.
168 Ps. civ. 4.
169 Eusebius reads poihtikw=j.
170 [Guardian angels. Matt. xviii. 10.]
171 genhto/n.
172 [Compare Tayler Lewis, Plato against the Atheists, p. 342.]
173 Gen. i. 1-3.
174 Deut. xiii. 4.
175 The text has pa/lin: Eusebius reads Pla/twn.
176 The text has a0nqrw/tw|: Plato and Eusebius, a0nqrw/poij.
177 Deut. xxx. 15,19,20.
178 th\n xrush=n is supplied, according to a very probably conjecture.
179 "Spoken or" supplied from Plato and Eusebius.
180 mo/non e0n th=| po/lei is here supplied from Plato. [Note in Migne.]
181 Iliad, xiv. 206.
This document (last modified February 03, 1998) from Believerscafe.com
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