<< Previous | Index | Next >>"WWJD" What Would Jesus Desire? INTRODUCTION 1. It is quite common to see young people wearing a bracelet, T-shirt, or other article of clothing with the letters "WWJD" a. WWJD stands for "What Would Jesus Do?" b. Many young people like wearing something designed to remind them to always ask in any situation, "What Would Jesus Do?" -- It is commendable that people would ask "What Would Jesus Do?" 2. In this lesson, however, I want to ask "What Would Jesus Desire?" a. What would Jesus desire of you today? b. Is there something Jesus would want you to do today? c. Is there something Jesus would want you to be doing everyday? [From His words in The Great Commission (cf. Mt 28:19-20), I believe there are several things we can note that Jesus would desire of every person. As we consider His words, ask yourself whether Jesus would desire it of you. For example, I believe Jesus would desire...] I. THAT YOU BECOME HIS DISCIPLE A. HE SAID, "MAKE DISCIPLES..." 1. He wanted His apostles to make disciples - Mt 28:19 2. A disciple is a learner, a follower 3. A disciple is one who desires to become like His teacher - Lk 6:40 B. WHY DOES JESUS WANT YOU TO BE HIS DISCIPLE? 1. To learn from Him - Mt 11:28-30 a. The expression "take my yoke" in NT times meant to become one's disciple b. I.e., "hitch up" with Jesus and let Him lead you in the direction you should go 2. To offer rest for your souls - Mt 11:28-30 a. He knows that you are under the burden of sin 1) The burden of the guilt of sin 2) Both the legal and emotional guilt of sin b. Learn from Him how to become free from the burden of sin 1) For freedom from sin is true freedom - Jn 8:31-36 2) Only in Him can we become free from: a) The legal guilt of sin (having transgressed the Law of God) b) The emotional guilt of sin (having transgressed our own consciences) [Jesus clearly wants you to be His disciple, to learn from Him and to let Him lighten your load; are you His disciple? Jesus also desires...] II. THAT YOU BE BAPTIZED A. HE SAID, "BAPTIZING THEM..." 1. He wanted His apostles to baptize people - Mt 28:19; cf. Mk 16:15-16 2. Which His apostles were quick to do - Ac 2:38; 8:5,12; 10:48; 16:30-34 B. WHY DOES JESUS WANT YOU TO BE BAPTIZED? 1. As commanded by Peter... a. For the remission of sins - Ac 2:38 b. Remember, Jesus wants to free you from the burden of sin! 2. As explained by Paul... a. In baptism you united with Christ in His death and raised with Him to a new life - Ro 6:3-7 b. In baptism you put on Christ - Ga 3:27 c. In baptism you experience the working of God, Who forgives you of all your sins and raises you with Christ - Co 2: 11-13 [Jesus therefore desires for you to enter in with this new relationship with Him. Have you been baptized? If so, then Jesus also desires that you...] III. THAT YOU KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS A. HE SAID, "TEACHING THEM TO OBSERVE..." 1. Baptism is only the beginning, there are more commands to follow - Mt 28:20 2. Doing what He says is what it means to be His disciple - cf. Jn 8:31 B. WHAT ARE SOME OF HIS COMMANDMENTS? 1. To love the brethren - Jn 13:34-35 a. Which is one way we show the world we are truly His disciples b. Which implies the necessity of active involvement in a local congregation 2. To bear fruit - Jn 15:8 a. Such as saving souls, serving others, growing in grace b. Unless we bear fruit, we will be cut off - Jn 15:1-2,6 c. Bearing fruit comes only through a personal connection with Jesus - cf. Jn 15:4-5 CONCLUSION 1. Our study was not intended to be exhaustive... a. Certainly there is more that Jesus would desire of us b. For He taught many other things 1) Some taught to His apostles while on earth 2) Others taught to His apostles through the Spirit - Jn 16:12-13 2. But I wanted to use the current popularity of WWJD to simply remind you... a. Not only to ask "What Would Jesus Do?" in a particular situation b. But to ask "What Would Jesus Desire?" of you right now! 3. I hope I have encouraged you to reflect on what Jesus would want you to do today: a. If you have not committed to become His disciple... b. If you have not been baptized... c. If you are not observing His commands... ...what would Jesus desire for you?<< Previous | Index | Next >>
The "Executable Outlines" Series, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 1999
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