<< Previous | Index | Next >>"SECRETS OF THE ABUNDANT LIFE" The Secret Of Living Is Bearing Fruit INTRODUCTION 1. Suppose I could offer you a life that is guaranteed to give you... a. A "joy" that is greater than any other b. A "blessedness" that is happiness in its fullest measure c. An "assurance" of entering the everlasting kingdom of our Lord d. A "peace" that surpasses understanding -- Would you be interested? 2. Of course, I myself cannot offer such a life; but Jesus can and does! As He stated in Jn 10:10... "...I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." 3. Jesus offers this "abundant life" not only by His sacrificial death on the cross, but also by His teachings recorded by His apostles; notice Jn 15:11... "These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full." 4. Through His teachings, then, we can learn the "Secrets Of The Abundant Life"... a. Many of which are found in this very chapter (Jn 15) b. Where Jesus pictures Himself as the VINE and His disciples as the BRANCHES - cf. Jn 15:1-5 5. As "branches" we are to bear "fruit", and this leads us to the first of several "Secrets Of The Abundant Life"... "The Secret Of Living Is Bearing Fruit" [To appreciate how this is true, consider...] I. DIFFERENT KINDS OF FRUIT WE ARE TO BEAR A. WINNING SOULS TO CHRIST AND HELPING THEM GROW... 1. Paul speaks of this kind of "fruit" in Ro 1:13 2. One of the characteristics of a branch bearing fruit is that it produces a product identical to itself 3. Therefore, one way a disciple bears fruit is by producing another disciple! B. SHARING WITH THOSE IN NEED... 1. Paul speaks of contributing to the poor as a "fruit" in Ro 15: 25-28 2. In His own way, Jesus certainly did this - cf. 2 Co 8:9 3. So if the "Vine" did this, we should expect His "branches" to do the same - cf. 1 Jn 3:16-18 C. DEVELOPING CHRIST-LIKE CHARACTER... 1. Notice that the "fruit" of the Spirit is the development of certain graces - Ga 5:22-23 2. One who abounds in such qualities is growing in the "knowledge of Jesus Christ" - 2 Pe 1:5-8 3. Indeed, he is being "renewed...according to the image of Him who created him" - cf. Co 3:9-11 D. PRAISING GOD AND GIVING THANKS... 1. The author of Hebrews describes such activities as a sort of "fruit" - He 13:15 2. Again, the "Vine" was known for such behavior - cf. Lk 10:21; Jn 11:41 3. Should His "branches" do any less? [These are different kinds of "fruits" we can bear as "branches" of the "Vine." But how does bearing such fruit make for the "abundant life" which Jesus promised? Consider...] II. THE BENEFITS OF BEARING SUCH FRUIT A. THERE IS GREAT "JOY" FOR THOSE WHO WIN SOULS... 1. John says that there is "no greater joy" - 3 Jn 3-4 2. Paul's converts at Thessalonica were his "pride and joy" - cf. 1 Th 2:19-20 3. So those involved in the winning and confirming of souls for Christ find great joy as they see the fruits of their labors B. THERE IS GREAT "HAPPINESS" FOR THOSE WHO SHARE THEIR POSSESSIONS... 1. They learn by experience the truthfulness of Jesus' teachings 2. Who said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive" - Ac 20:35 3. The word "blessed" can be translated "O how very happy", so there is greater happiness in giving than in receiving C. THERE IS GREAT "ASSURANCE" FOR THOSE WHO DEVELOP CHRIST-LIKE CHARACTER... 1. Those in whom "the fruit of the Spirit" is produced are free from any condemnation of law - cf. Ga 5:23b; Ro 8:1 2. Those who abound in the "knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ" (i.e., develop the graces described) have the assurance of an "abundant entrance" into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord - 2 Pe 1:8-11 3. For example, those who love in deed and truth have an assurance of their salvation - 1 Jn 3:18-19 D. THERE IS GREAT "PEACE" FOR THOSE GIVEN TO THANKSGIVING... 1. For those with the "attitude of gratitude", there is the "peace of God" - cf. Ph 4:6-7 2. A peace which... a. "Surpasses all understanding"! b. "Will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus"! CONCLUSION 1. A life filled with... a. Joy b. Happiness c. Assurance d. Peace ...surely that is the "abundant life"! 2. Thus "The Secret Of Living Is Bearing Fruit", and this "abundant life" is available to only those who will "bear fruit" as "branches" of the "True Vine" (Jesus Christ)! 3. But is there a secret to bearing fruit? Indeed there is, and our next lesson will seek to discern from Jn 15 what that secret is. For the time being, if you have not yet become a "branch" of the "True Vine", have you given serious consideration to becoming one...? NOTE: The general idea for this series of lessons was taken from "Five Secrets Of Living", a small booklet written by Warren W. Wiersbe<< Previous | Index | Next >>
The "Executable Outlines" Series, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 1999
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