<< Previous | Index | Next >>"RELATIONSHIP EVANGELISM" Letting The Traffic Flow (Sharing The Gospel) INTRODUCTION 1. Up to this point in our study of "Relationship Evangelism," we have... a. Noticed various forces that hinder our effectiveness in evangelism b. Defined "relationship evangelism" and considered its value as a method of sharing the gospel of Christ c. Discussed the value of a "prospect list" and offered suggestions for developing one d. Offered recommendations for developing meaningful relationships 2. It was in the last lesson that we examined the four stages of forming substantive relationships, what I call "building bridges." These stages are: a. Making the initial contact b. Getting better acquainted c. Serving them d. Becoming a friend 3. If this material is being used in a class-like setting, then before proceeding with this lesson... a. Spend a few moments sharing with others in the class: 1) The names of prospects you have on your "Flow Chart" 2) What you did during the past week with any of these individuals to either strengthen the level of relationship you have with them, or to move up to the next level 3) Feel free to relate and discuss any failures or successes you think might prove beneficial to others in the class b. As a group, take time to pray in behalf of the souls with whom you are working: 1) Asking God to be with them 2) Asking God to bless your efforts to forge stronger relationships with them in order to reach them for Christ 4. In this final lesson, we shall offer suggestions on how we might use the "bridges" we have built to "let the traffic flow" (i.e., to use the opportunities provided by our relationships with others to share the gospel of Christ) [As indicated on the "Evangelistic Prospect Flow Chart" (see sample), there can be four stages in this process as well. The first one being called...] I. SHARING YOUR FAITH A. PRINCIPLES TO REMEMBER AT THIS STAGE... 1. You wish to make a clear identification that you are a Christian in the course of natural conversations 2. Conducting yourself in such a way that people are aware of your faith - cf. 1 Pe 3:15 3. Don't try to say everything at one time 4. Ask questions - seek to understand first, then to be understood 5. Be sensitive to their reactions; place yourself in their shoes 6. As you share your faith, seek wisdom from God through prayer - cf. Ja 1:5; Neh 2:4 B. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES... 1. In daily conversation, interject your beliefs that are based upon God's Word 2. Don't hesitate to speak of the special benefits and blessings of being a Christian 3. When appropriate, give God the glory as you discuss good things that you experience (but avoid excessive praise, for it can sound artificial and hypocritical) [Bear in mind that at this point your purpose is not to convert; rather, you are simply communicating what your faith in Christ means to you or has done for you. The next stage will involve introducing your friend(s) to other Christians...] II. WITNESS OF THE BODY A. PRINCIPLES TO REMEMBER AT THIS STAGE... 1. People may at first discount your "individual" faith and lifestyle, but the "corporate" example can be a powerful witness and influence - Jn 13:34-35; 17:20-21 2. At this stage, then, you are wanting to introduce your friend(s) to the love and unity of other Christians B. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES... 1. Around the NEIGHBORHOOD... a. Include Christians in your social, recreational and work activities with your non-Christian friends b. Have your prospects over for dinner, and invite some Christian friends as well c. Invite your prospects to functions of the local church (regular assemblies, gospel meetings, etc.) d. Invite them to "pot-lucks" or other social functions organized by Christians e. Invite them to home Bible studies with a mixture of Christians and non-Christians 2. At WORK... a. Introduce them to other Christian associates b. Invite them to attend weekly Bible studies at places of employment, or with other businessmen outside of work c. Invite them to church functions d. Invite them to lunch or dinner where other Christians will be present [Again, the purpose at this stage is not to convert, or to "gang up" on the prospect, but to simply let them be around other Christians where they can see the faith of others being demonstrated in their lives. At last, we come to the point where explicit teaching begins...] III. EXPOSURE TO THE GOSPEL A. PRINCIPLES TO REMEMBER AT THIS STAGE... 1. You want to expose your prospect to a full and clear explanation of the gospel 2. Your goal is not so much to convert, but to create understanding of the gospel and its implications 3. With those who are already firm believers in Jesus, but mistaken in their understanding of the gospel... a. You should not be trying to convert them from "their church" to "your church," but leading them closer to the Christ they love b. Like Aquila and Priscilla, you seek only to help them learn the way of God more accurately concerning salvation and the Lord's church - cf. Ac 18:24-26 4. If you do not feel you are capable of teaching what they need, ask someone else to step in and take over B. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES... 1. With those who believe they are already saved... a. You might appeal to their interest in learning more about the Bible: 1) Offer to show them Jule Miller's "Visualized Bible Study Series," or Robert Harkrider's "How To Understand The Bible," both of which are five lessons on video tape 2) Encourage them to study on their own, with the aid of a Bible correspondence course (e.g., Gene Tope's "Know Your Bible") 3) Invite them to study with you one of the Gospels, or the book of Acts b. Or you might be more direct with a "one-lesson" approach, like that found in Field's "Test Your Salvation" booklet 2. With those who are not sure of their salvation, or who know they are not saved, you can use the material above, or more "one-lesson" approaches, such as: 1) Charles Goodall's "In The Same Hour Of The Night" 2) Bob Danklefsen's "Are You Ready For Your Journey To Eternity?" 3) Bristow's "Something Christ Asked Me To Share With You" [At this point, our primary responsibility is to teach the gospel and to make sure the person has a proper understanding of what Christ has done for them. The last stage of "Letting The Traffic Flow" involves encouraging the prospect to obey the gospel...] IV. INVITATION A. PRINCIPLES TO REMEMBER AT THIS STAGE... 1. Be sure they grasp the personal implications of the gospel a. Trusting faith in Jesus Christ... 1) As the Son of God 2) Who loved them and gave Himself on the cross for their sins 3) As the only way to forgiveness of sins, fellowship with God, and the hope of eternal life b. True repentance... 1) A decision to turn from sin and turn to God 2) A willingness to obey Jesus Christ in everything c. Confession of faith in Jesus Christ... 1) Both now in obeying the gospel 2) And throughout their life as Christians d. Baptism into Christ... 1) To be united with Christ in His death 2) To be "clothed" with Christ 3) For the forgiveness of sins through God's grace and Jesus' blood 4) By faith in the working of God e. Faithfulness as a disciple of Christ... 1) Who observes ALL that Christ commanded 2) Who remains faithful throughout life, even to death 2. You want them to understand: a. The purpose of baptism into Christ b. The importance of being simply Christians, members of the Lord's body 3. It is important to ask them if they wish to obey Christ; some times we never get around to actually asking! 4. While there is a place for persuasion (cf. Ac 2:40), we need to avoid pressuring someone to do something they really don't want to do 5. If feasible, continue the relationship even if they say "no" - some people take longer than others to make the decision to say "yes" B. SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES... 1. Approach a person privately after a Bible study or presentation of the gospel and ask them if they have considered obeying the gospel 2. The following questions may be helpful after a study: a. "Does this make sense?" b. "Is there anything I (we) have said that you do not understand?" c. "Have I (we) been teaching you anything other than what the Bible teaches?" d. "Would you like to obey Christ and be baptized for the remission of your sins?" 3. Give them time to make their decision - some people need to study and pray about it for awhile 4. Let them know you are always available: any time of the day, any day of the week; when they decide to obey Christ, you will be glad to assist them 5. After obedience to the gospel, follow up with a Bible study designed to help them grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ - cf. 2 Pe 3:17-18 CONCLUSION 1. "Relationship Evangelism" is really quite simple, and can be summed up in this way: "Be a friend - share your faith!" 2. Even for those who feel they are unable to teach, "Relationship Evangelism" can be used to lead others to Christ: a. Be a friend, and let your faith show by example b. When it comes down to the point of explaining the gospel, let another Christian do the actual teaching 3. Many Christians (especially those new in the faith) have led their friends to Christ in this manner 4. If other methods of evangelism do not appeal to you, or are beyond your present abilities, why not apply yourself to this approach? 5. I am convinced this can be one of the most effective ways to lead others to Christ, and we might be surprised to see how many people could be saved if more Christians applied themselves to this approach One Last Point For an approach like this to work, it is imperative that Christians constantly encourage one another to carry it out. One way this could be done is for a group of interested Christians to meet weekly for the purpose of: 1) Encouraging one another to implement suggestions in this material 2) Helping each other make definite goals for things to do each week, that they might... a) Make contacts b) Proceed along the various stages of the relationships c) Make certain the relationships evolve to the point where the gospel is shared and the invitation is given 3) Sharing successes and failures in meeting the weekly goals, in an effort to learn from them 4) Praying together for souls being sought for Christ, and for those involved in the search "Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course and be glorified, just as it is with you." - 2 Th 3:1<< Previous | Index | Next >>
The "Executable Outlines" Series, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 1999
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