<< Previous | Index | Next >>"RELATIONSHIP EVANGELISM" The Evangelism Prospect List INTRODUCTION 1. Up to this point, we have been dealing with the preliminaries of "Relationship Evangelism" 2. With this lesson we start getting into practical applications 3. One of the first steps to successful evangelism using any method is to have an "Evangelism Prospect List" [This is especially true in "Relationship Evangelism"...] I. WHAT IS AN "EVANGELISM PROSPECT LIST"? A. SIMPLY STATED, IT IS A LIST OF NAMES... 1. Of individuals that we would like to see saved 2. Which we keep in some prominent place where we see it every day B. IN THE CASE OF "RELATIONSHIP EVANGELISM"... 1. The prospect list is a part of the "Evangelistic Prospect Flow Chart" (see sample) 2. The "Flow Chart" will be explained in more detail in succeeding lessons, but you will notice that it provides space for the names of those who would be on your list II. WHY HAVE AN "EVANGELISM PROSPECT LIST"? A. AN IMPORTANT KEY TO LEADING PEOPLE TO CHRIST IS CONSTANTLY KEEPING THEM ON YOUR MIND AND IN YOUR PRAYERS - cf. Ro 10:1 1. Consistent success in any venture depends upon... a. Setting goals (which gives DIRECTION to your life) b. Keeping those goals constantly before you (which provides MOTIVATION to your actions) 2. To be successful in evangelism... a. We need goals to give us a direction b. We need to be constantly reminded of those goals to stay motivated B. THE "EVANGELISM PROSPECT LIST" IS A HELPFUL TOOL TO ACCOMPLISH THIS END... 1. By having a specific list of names we are able to concentrate our attention and our prayers 2. By having that list in some prominent place, we are constantly reminded of our goal to reach them for Christ 3. It is like having a picture on the refrigerator to motivate us not to overeat III. SUGGESTIONS FOR SETTING UP YOUR "EVANGELISM PROSPECT LIST" A. PRAY FOR WISDOM - cf. Ja 1:5 1. Once we start listing prospects, it will be evident that to work effectively the list needs to be narrowed down 2. So wisdom (which can be sought through prayer) will be helpful to determine the best prospects B. LIST THE NAMES OF YOUR NON-CHRISTIAN CONTACTS... 1. Here are some good sources for prospects: a. Visitors at services b. Spouses of members c. New residents in the neighborhood d. Relatives of members e. Unfaithful members f. Friends of members g. Your own neighbors, friends h. Co-workers i. Children of members j. Prospects furnished by recent converts k. Classmates at school 2. Initially, concentrate on just developing the list a. Add names to the list over a period of time as other prospects come to mind b. If you have trouble coming up with any names... 1) Don't get discouraged, it has become very easy for each of us to become isolated in our own little world 2) The next lesson will suggest ways to make initial contacts so you will begin to have prospects C. SIFT THROUGH YOUR LIST TO DETERMINE WHICH TO GIVE PRIORITY... Some guidelines for determining priority: 1. Those you believe are closest to obeying the gospel 2. Those with whom you have open communication 3. Those who have shown spiritual interest (but are "unchurched") 4. Those whose respect and friendship you have gained 5. Those for whom you have been praying regularly 6. Those you may have a limited time to reach... a. Who might be moving from your area b. Or who might not have long to live 7. Those who have a Christian spouse 8. Those in whom others have already invested some "sowing" and "watering" 9. Those who seem to repeatedly come across your path (is it coincidence, or is it Providence?) 10. Those for whom you have the greatest concern D. NARROW YOUR LIST DOWN TO NO MORE THAN TEN PEOPLE... 1. These will be the people you feel are your best prospects 2. Put their names on a list (such as the "Evangelistic Prospect Flow Chart") 3. Keep this list in some prominent place where you will see it daily E. BEGIN PRAYING FOR THESE PEOPLE DAILY... 1. Asking God for OPPORTUNITY to be of service to these people - cf. 1 Co 3:5-7; Co 4:3 2. Asking God for WISDOM to make the most of the opportunities you have - cf. Co 4:4-6 3. Asking God for BOLDNESS to share the gospel when the right opportunity avails itself - cf. Ep 6:18-20 CONCLUSION 1. Developing such a list can be a major step to being successful in reaching others to Christ 2. As with so many areas of life, the reason many individuals fail to achieve their goals in life is because THEY NEVER REALLY SET THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE! 3. But if our goal in life is to save others, an "Evangelism Prospect List" (as incorporated in the "Evangelistic Prospect Flow Chart") can help to define our goals and keep them ever before us 4. In the next lesson we will explain further the "Evangelistic Prospect Flow Chart" and offer suggestions on how to develop meaningful relationships with those outside of Christ 5. But if you have time between now and the next lesson... a. Come up with as many as ten names of people you would like to see saved b. List them on the "Flow Chart" c. Begin praying for them daily d. Be prepared to share with others the names you have on your prospect list Even if you do nothing more than develop such a list and begin praying for the souls on this list, perhaps you can give a copy of it to some teacher or preacher who can follow up on it<< Previous | Index | Next >>
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