<< Previous | Index | Next >>"STUDIES IN THE PSALMS" For Instruction In Righteousness INTRODUCTION 1. Paul wrote Timothy that the Scriptures were profitable for many things, one of which is that the man of God may receive "instruction in righteousness" - 2 Ti 3:16-17 2. This is especially true of the Book of Psalms, for many of the psalms are "didactic" in nature (i.e., they are designed to teach and instruct) 3. In this lesson, the last in this series, we shall see how some of the psalms are suitable for instructing us today in principles of right- eousness and godly living [First, consider...] I. THE USE OF "DIDACTIC" PSALMS IN THE NEW TESTAMENT A. JESUS BASED MANY OF HIS TEACHINGS UPON THE PSALMS... 1. During "The Sermon On The Mount" a. Compare His remark concerning the "meek" in Mt 5:5 with Ps 37:11 b. Also His comments concerning the "pure in heart" in Mt 5:8 with Ps 24:3-4 2. In later teaching as well - cf. Mt 16:27 with Ps 62:12 B. THE NEW TESTAMENT WRITERS OFTEN APPEALED TO THE PSALMS IN THEIR EXHORTATIONS... 1. The author of Hebrews appealed to Ps 118:6 in He 13:5-6 2. James quoted Ps 138:6 when writing Ja 4:6-7 3. Peter referred to Ps 34:12-16 as he wrote 1 Pe 3:8-12 C. A COUPLE OF OBSERVATIONS... 1. Many of the Psalms possess basic principles of righteousness which hold still hold true today, even though we may living under the New Covenant of Jesus Christ 2. Therefore it is appropriate for the Christian to study the Psalms to receive "instruction in righteousness" which can be applied in our service to Christ and God today a. However, there may be some principles found in the Psalms which may no longer be suitable for those following Christ b. For example, the "imprecatory" psalms, in which the writers call upon God to destroy the wicked and their enemies, would not be appropriate for those trying to follow Jesus' teachings found in Mt 5:43-48 and Lk 6:27-36 [Even so, in addition to being a guide for the Christian in learning to praise God and pray, in addition to being a book of Christian evidences, the Psalms can often be a guide to instruction in righteousness. To illustrate, notice some...] II. EXAMPLES OF PSALMS WHICH INSTRUCT US IN PRINCIPLES OF RIGHTEOUSNESS A. PSALMS 32:1-8 1. This psalm was written by David after he was forgiven of his sins surrounding his affair with Bathsheba 2. Here we learn the importance of confessing our sins, and the blessedness we experience when God forgives our sins B. PSALMS 52:1-9 1. This psalm was written when David had been betrayed to Saul by Doeg the Edomite 2. It teaches us the futility of boastful wickedness, and of the peace of those who live godly lives C. PSALMS 37:1-40 1. Another psalm written by David, it was one upon which Jesus based His beatitude, "Blessed are the meek..." 2. It instructs us as to the security of those who humbly trust in the Lord, contrasted with the insecurity of the wicked CONCLUSION 1. There is much to find in the Psalms concerning principles of godly and righteous living: a. From instructions to the young man trying to remain pure before God... "How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your Word. "With my whole heart I have sought You; Oh, let me not wander from Your commandments! "Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You." - Ps 119:9-11 b. To wisdom for those wanting to grow old gracefully... "O God, You have taught me from my youth; And to this day I declare Your wondrous works. "Now also when I am old and gray-headed, O God, do not forsake me, Until I declare Your strength to this generation, Your power to everyone who is to come." - Ps 71:17-18 2. Indeed, there is something for all! So study the Psalms, meditate upon them; they will help lead you down the paths of righteousness as you serve the Lord It is my prayer that these "Studies In The Psalms" may have encouraged you to do just that!<< Previous | Index | Next >>
The "Executable Outlines" Series, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 1999
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