<< Previous | Index | Next >>"THE STABILITY OF YOUR TIMES" Isaiah 33:5-6 INTRODUCTION 1. In the days of Isaiah (ca. 700 B.C.), the kingdom of Judah was facing perilous times... a. Assyria was advancing from the north, conquering kingdom after kingdom b. Even the northern kingdom of Israel was taken into captivity 2. As Assyria drew near to Jerusalem, the people were undecided as to where to turn... a. Some advocated they give themselves they give themselves up to the Assyrians b. Others looked to the south, believing an alliance with Egypt would save them 3. Isaiah was sent by God to warn the people to do neither... a. The key to their salvation was to trust in the Lord, not men b. The Lord would provide the stability they needed, when all seemed lost 4. In Isa 33:5-6 we find one such exhortation to put their trust in the Lord... a. The NKJV speaks of wisdom and knowledge as "the stability of your times"; of course it is the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord spoken of here b. Note other translations: 1) "He shall be the stability of your times" (NASB) 2) "He shall be the sure foundation of your times" (NIV) 5. Though removed from the days of Isaiah by thousands of years... a. The counsel given by him still rings true! b. In troubled times, the Lord provides "The Stability Of Your Times"! [To illustrate how this is true even today, let's begin by noticing the unstable condition of our times and the effect such instability can have on people...] I. THE UNSTABLE CONDITIONS OF TODAY A. WE FACE MANY DISTURBING THINGS IN LIFE... 1. Many are common in every age - cf. Job 14:1 a. Sickness b. Death c. Natural disasters 2. Some may be peculiar to our day and age a. Threat of nuclear holocaust, environmental pollution b. Inflation, recession, unemployment c. AIDS, cancer, heart disease d. Road rage, drive-by shootings B. THE AFFECT SUCH THINGS CAN HAVE... 1. For some, there is anxiety and fear 2. Others react with depression (our age has been called the "age of anxiety" and the "age of the neurosis") 3. Even Christians can be affected a. They may murmur or complain b. They may simply exist in a state of "joylessness" C. YET SOME ARE NOT DISTURBED BY SUCH THINGS... 1. Even though they experience the same things which devastate others 2. The same financial crises, diseases, uncertainties, etc. -- Somehow they still find cause for great joy and stability in their lives! [Why the different reaction? Is there some source of strength that some have found that others have not? I believe there is; it is the LORD who provides stability for troubled times! From our text (Isa 33:6) we learn how the Lord provides stability...] II. THE STABILITY PROVIDED BY THE LORD A. COMES THROUGH WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE... 1. "Wisdom and knowledge will be the stability of your times" (NKJV) 2. Such wisdom and knowledge can help us face LIFE a. By guiding and protecting one from the pitfalls of life - Pro 2:6-22 b. By providing comfort and confidence in times of turmoil - Pro 3:21-26 -- God is willing to provide such wisdom to those willing to look to Him! - Ja 1:5-8 B. COMES THROUGH SALVATION... 1. "the strength of salvation" (NKJV) 2. The salvation of the Lord can help us face DEATH a. If we know the Lord will save us in eternity, we can better face the adverse circumstances of this life b. Consider the example of Paul: 1) He had a strong hope - 2 Co 5:1,5-8 2) His attitude as a result of that hope - 2 Co 4:16-18; Ro 8:31-39 [Yes, the wisdom, knowledge, and salvation found only in the Lord provides the stability we need for our times! Wisdom and knowledge providing stability in facing life, salvation providing stability to face death. Together they provide great "wealth" (NASB), a "rich store" (NIV). But what is the key to this treasure of wisdom, knowledge and salvation from the Lord which is "The Stability Of Your Times"? In our text (Isa 33:6) we find...] III. THE KEY TO THIS STABILITY A. IT IS "THE FEAR OF THE LORD"... 1. Note the NIV: "the fear of the LORD is the key to this treasure" 2. As noted elsewhere, the fear of the Lord is essential: a. To having wisdom and knowledge 1) It is "the beginning of knowledge" - Pro 1:7 2) It is "the beginning of wisdom" - Pro 9:10 b. To receiving salvation 1) It is necessary to be accepted by God - Ac 10:34-35 2) The message of salvation is given to those who have it - Ac 13:26 3) It is necessary for spiritual growth - Ph 2:12 B. WHY THE FEAR OF THE LORD IS NECESSARY... 1. "...by the fear of the Lord one departs from evil" - Pro 16:6 a. A reverence for God and His righteous judgments is an effective motivation b. By departing from evil, we turn to God! 2. "In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence...a place of refuge" - Pro 14:26 a. When we turn to God, the fear of the Lord becomes a source of great blessings! b. Such as wisdom, knowledge, salvation, confidence, refuge; indeed "the fear of the Lord is a fountain of life"! - Pro 14:27 CONCLUSION 1. The essence of our study is this: a. Those who lack stability in troubled times do so because they lack the wisdom, knowledge, and salvation of the Lord b. They lack these things because they do not have the fear of the Lord! 2. A proper fear of the Lord would prompt them to turn from evil and turn to God... a. Where they would find His knowledge, wisdom, and salvation b. Which in turn would provide "The Stability Of Your Times"! 3. With such stability, we can rightly say along with the writer to the Hebrews: "The LORD is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?" (He 13:6) Won't you let the Lord provide you with the stability you need for these troubled times? God has not promised, But God has promised, Skies always blue Strength for the day, Flower-strewn pathways, Rest for the labor, All our lives through; Light for the way; God has not promised, Yes, God has promised, Sun without rain, Grace for the trials, Joy without sorrow, Help from above, Peace without pain. Unfailing sympathy, undying love. (UNKNOWN)<< Previous | Index | Next >>
The "Executable Outlines" Series, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 1999
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