<< Previous | Index | Next >>"THE SAMARITANS' RELIGION" 2 Kings 17:24-41 INTRODUCTION 1. Following the conquest by the nation of Assyria, most of the people of Israel were deported to Assyria 2. In their place, Assyria imported captives from other countries to live in Samaria, the main province of Israel at that time - 2 Ki 17: 24 3. In our text, the religion of those who were imported is described at length - 2 Ki 17:24-41 a. There are several characteristics of their religion we would do well to take note of, so let's begin reading the passage itself (READ) b. With this passage fresh in our minds, how might "The Samaritans' Religion" compare with our service to God today? [In some cases, the comparisons may be a little too close for comfort! To begin with, note that their religion was...] I. A RELIGION OF "FEAR" A. THIS IS EVIDENT BY THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS... 1. "So they feared the Lord..." - 2 Ki 17:32 2. "They feared the Lord, yet served their own gods..." - 2 Ki 17:33 3. "So these nations feared the Lord, yet served their carved images..." - 2 Ki 17:41 4. But that they had the wrong kind of fear is implied in verse 34: "...they do not fear the Lord..." -- Is this a contradiction? No, for remember that... B. THERE IS A PROPER FEAR OF THE LORD... 1. As taught by Jesus and His apostles - Mt 10:28; Ac 10:34-35; Ph 2:12 2. As taught by Solomon in the Old Testament - Pr 1:7; 14:26-27; Ecc 8:12-13; 12:13-14 3. This "fear of the Lord"... a. Is the kind of awesome reverence towards God that motivates us to turn away from evil and serve God faithfully at all times b. Is NOT the kind that never thinks of God when things are going well, and then trembles at the prospect of facing God C. SO THE SAMARITANS HAD THE WRONG KIND OF "FEAR"... 1. They would have never thought of God, had it not been for the lions - 2 Ki 17:25-26 2. When they did think of Him, it was only to tremble before Him 3. This is like so many people today a. Who think of God only... 1) When they are ill, forgetting Him when they are well 2) During their calamities, but not during their joys 3) When faced with problems, but not when enjoying prosperity b. Like some sailors... 1) Who in a storm pray fervently to God for deliverance, making promises 2) But then get drunk or engage in immorality as soon as they get to land [If we turn to God only when things go wrong, our religion is no different than the Samaritans'! But with the proper kind of fear (awesome reverence), we will draw close to God through obedience; and when we do so, we will find Him to be so gracious and loving that we will serve Him out of love and not just a fear of judgment - cf. 1 Jn 4:16-18 We also notice that "The Samaritans' Religion" was...] II. A RELIGION OF "FORM" A. THEIR HEARTS WERE NOT IN THEIR SERVICE TO THE LORD... 1. As evident by the fact they continued to serve their "carved images" - 2 Ki 17:33-34 2. What service they rendered to the Lord possessed "form", but not "substance" B. SUCH WORSHIP IS OFTEN COMMON TODAY... 1. Where there is "form", but not "substance" 2. Now, there is a need for "form" in religion... a. Possessing both a physical and spiritual nature, man needs physical ways to express his spiritual devotion b. Thus God has provided physical expressions even in New Testament worship, even though it is much more spiritual than that found in the Old Testament c. The Lord's Supper, singing, prayer, giving, etc., they all have "form" 3. But to go through the "form" without the "substance" (i.e., the right spirit, attitude) is "hypocritical" - cf. Mt 15:7-8 4. Christians are guilty of such worship if they... a. Sing "Give Me The Bible", but they never read it b. Sing "Here Am I, Send Me", but are not willing to go or do c. Sing "Wonderful Story Of Love" with bored expressions on their faces (cf. Pr 15:13) 5. Worship that is both "form" and "substance" will emulate the example of David... a. "I will praise You with my whole heart..." - Ps 138:1 b. "Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, O my soul! While I live I will praise the Lord; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being." - Ps 146:1-2 c. "Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God; For it is pleasant and praise is beautiful." - Ps 147:1 [Is our religion one of simply going through the "form"? Or does it have "substance" as well? If not, then our religion is no more pleasing to God than that of the Samaritans! One final point to be made about their religion, it was...] III. A RELIGION OF "COMPROMISE" A. IN THE CASE OF THE SAMARITANS... 1. They had God and they had "gods"; they liked the latter best - 2 Ki 17:41a 2. They gave God lip service, but they gave the "gods" their true service B. SUCH CAN HAPPEN TO CHRISTIANS TODAY... 1. When they seek to serve God, while also try to serve the world 2. But this is impossible according to Jesus - cf. Mt 6:24 3. When people try to serve both, the world always wins... a. It shows up in how their jobs, their recreation, etc., takes precedence over their service to God b. It shows up in how they seek to rationalize their conduct C. BUT GOD CANNOT TOLERATE "COMPROMISE".... 1. He requires total commitment to Him, no matter the price a. As taught in the Old Testament - De 6:5,14-15 b. As taught by Jesus Himself - Lk 14:26,33 2. To compromise with the world is to commit "spiritual adultery"! - Ja 4:4 3. Thus we need to heed Jesus' admonition: "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness..." - Mt 6:33 CONCLUSION 1. I believe it is easy to see the error of "The Samaritans' Religion"... a. They had a religion of "fear, form, and compromise" b. But unless we are careful, our religion can easily become like theirs! 2. If with honest introspection we must confess that our religion is closer to the Samaritans' than it should be... a. Let Elijah challenge us to give up "a religion of compromise" - cf. 1 Ki 18:21 b. Let Paul challenge us to give up "a religion of form" - cf. Ro 2:28-29 c. Let John challenge us to give up "a religion of fear" - cf. 1 Jn 3:18-19 Have you accepted the Savior's tender invitation (Mt 11:28-30), which is received today by obedience to His gospel? - cf. Mk 16:15-16; Ac 2: 36-39<< Previous | Index | Next >>
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