<< Previous | Index | Next >>"OUR LIFE TOGETHER" An Intimate Household INTRODUCTION 1. In our previous lesson, we... a. Brought up the question as to whether churches today are engaged in the type of fellowship practiced by churches in the NT b. Asked questions as to whether churches today: 1) Are communities of believers expressing a sense of concern for one another 2) Or if they are simply groups of "anonymous" worshippers c. Considered: 1) Factors in our society which tempt us to be self-centered 2) How an attitude of self-centeredness is foreign to the very basics of Christ's teachings 2. In this lesson, I wish to examine more carefully... a. The teaching of Christ concerning the nature of the church He said He would build b. And how His teaching ought to shape the type of fellowship He wanted the members of His church to experience [As we begin, let's consider some contrasting views of the church...] I. DIFFERENT VIEWS OF THE CHURCH A. HOW MODERN MAN TENDS TO VIEW THE CHURCH... 1. As an "institution", as an "organization" 2. Terms which are analogies of some business or corporation 3. Thus we find terms frequently used like: a. "Associate Minister" b. "Superintendent Of Education" c. "Director Of Music" -- While the church was divinely instituted by God, and does have some organization, it seems that many have molded the local church into a business-like structure B. JESUS VIEWED THE CHURCH DIFFERENTLY... 1. He viewed it as a "family" who would be doing the will of His Father in heaven - Mt 12:46-50; cf. 7:21 2. Indeed, both Jesus and His apostles often used the "family" motif in speaking of the church a. Jesus would speak of... 1) God as His Father - Jn 2:16 2) His followers as family relatives -- And teach His disciples to address God as our "Father" - Mt 6:9 b. The apostles referred to the church... 1) As a "brotherhood" - 1 Pe 2:17 2) As the "house (family) of God" - 1 Ti 3:15; 2 Co 6:17-18 [And so the church Jesus established was to be "An Intimate Household", allowing a closeness not usually found in "organizations" or "institutions". In fact, every aspect of the life of God's people is to manifest the closeness of family intimacy...] II. HOW FAMILY INTIMACY IS TO PERMEATE CHURCH LIFE A. IN OUR "RELATIONSHIP" WITH EACH OTHER... 1. We are to be like little children - Mt 18:1-4 2. Not striving for dominance over each other a. But with humility, showing submissiveness b. And with dependence upon one another B. IN OUR "CONCERN" FOR EACH OTHER... 1. Concerned with protecting the members of our family from harm (esp. spiritual harm) - Mt 18:5-7 2. As concerned with the one who strays, as we are with the one who continues in the fellowship - Mt 18:10-14 C. IN OUR "DISCIPLINE" OF ONE ANOTHER... 1. We are to remember that we are "brethren" a. Follow a procedure that utilizes to the full advantage our relationship as a family - cf. Mt 18:15-17 b. Treat the one disciplined as a brother - 2 Th 3:6-15 2. If the brother in error is not responsive... a. We are to take advantage of the family relationship which we have enjoyed b. By depriving the erring brother of it! 3. Indeed, the failure of much discipline is due to the lack of proper fellowship to begin with! D. IN "FORGIVING" EACH OTHER... 1. Realizing the value of this intimate, family relationship... a. Forgiveness is to be automatic upon repentance - Mt 18: 21-22 b. We are not to keep a tally of our offenses, for such would hinder our relationship as family 2. We are to keep in mind... a. How our Father has forgiven us b. That our forgiveness by God is contingent on our forgiveness of our brethren! - cf. Mt 18:23-35 E. IN "SERVICE" TO ONE ANOTHER... 1. Our "older brother" came to serve - Mt 20:25-28 2. So we are to serve one another as we would in our physical family (as the saying goes, "He ain't heavy, he's my brother!") [All these things are emphasizing an important spiritual truth: The church is to be such a fellowship of believers that it can be rightly considered as: 1) A home away from home! 2) A home which is our true home! Allow me to expand upon this last thought...] III. THE CHURCH: OUR TRUE HOME A. THE COST OF DISCIPLESHIP CAN BE GREAT... 1. For some, it may even mean forsaking their earthly family 2. Cf. Mt 10:34-39 B. CHRIST INTENDS FOR HIS CHURCH TO MAKE UP FOR ANY COST... 1. Whether it be: a. The cost of putting Christ before family b. The cost of leaving family to serve Christ (e.g., going to missionary fields) 2. Christ has promised a hundredfold in replacement - cf. Mk 10: 28-30 C. THE CHURCH CAN BE A HOME (FAMILY) FOR ALL... 1. Especially for those away from home (e.g., college students) 2. Especially for those who never had a family at all, or an incomplete one (e.g., orphans, or those with single parents) 3. Especially for those from a "dysfunctional" family (e.g., those abused, neglected) [But for the church to be the home Christ intended, the family "members" must do their part. And for some that might mean making some changes...] IV. BUILDING FAMILY INTIMACY IN THE CHURCH A. WE MAY NEED TO SPEND MORE TIME WITH EACH OTHER... 1. For some, it may mean being more faithful about attending the services ("mealtimes") of the church 2. For others, it may mean widening our circle of fellowship to include others 3. For all of us, it means... a. Being less self-centered! b. Being more willing to become involved with the concerns of others! B. WE MAY NEED TO BECOME MORE INVOLVED IN THE WORK OF THE "CHURCH FAMILY"... 1. For our task is not just to create some sort of "social club" 2. But a "family of believers" who are active in doing the will of their Father in heaven, including... a. Saving souls b. Restoring the erring c. Edifying the saved -- Indeed, reconciling all with the Father and His family! 3. So we need to provide the appropriate service, which in turn builds intimacy: a. Preaching and teaching b. Exhorting and restoring c. Ministering to the needs of the family, both spiritual and physical CONCLUSION 1. What are we doing to see that the church is fulfilling its design to be "An Intimate Household"? 2. If we are doing nothing, or if we are depriving others from trying to become close to us... a. Then we are depriving ourselves of one of the greatest blessings found in Christ! b. And, we are also giving the impression that we may be false disciples of Christ! - cf. Jn 13:35 Brethren, let's all work harder at being the kind of family God would have us to be! If becoming a child of God is your need today, consider what Paul wrote about how we become sons of God - cf. Ga 3:26-27...<< Previous | Index | Next >>
The "Executable Outlines" Series, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 1999
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