<< Previous | Index | Next >>"THE EPISTLE TO THE HEBREWS" Faith That Embraces The Promises (11:8-22) INTRODUCTION 1. In the first seven verses of the eleventh chapter, we saw... a. Faith explained... 1) As confidence of things hoped for 2) As conviction of things not seen b. Faith exemplified... 1) In Abel (faith worshipping) 2) In Enoch (faith walking) 3) In Noah (faith working) c. Faith emphasized... 1) Without which it is impossible to please God 2) We must believe He exists, and rewards those who diligently seek Him 2. Another aspect of our faith pertains to "the promises" in which we hope... a. We are warned not to fall short of what's been promised - He 4:1 b. Faith (along with patience) is necessary to inherit the promises - He 6:11-12 3. The faith which pleases God, then, is one that "embraces" God's promises... a. In verses 8-22, we learn of the faith of those who "embraced the promises" b. Because of their faith, "God is not ashamed to be called their God" [Do we have the sort of faith that makes God unashamed to be called our God? To answer this question, let's use the text of our study to review...] I. THE FAITH OF THE PATRIARCHS (8-12,17-22) A. THE FAITH OF ABRAHAM... 1. By faith he "obeyed" - He 11:8 a. When God called him to leave his country, he obeyed the voice of the Lord 1) Even though at first he did not know where he was going 2) This is an example of conviction in "things not seen"! b. Here we see that faith and obedience are not contradictory terms 1) Indeed, Jesus is the "author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him" - He 5:9 2) Is our faith an "obedient faith" like Abraham's? - cf. Lk 6:46 2. By faith he "sojourned" - He 11:9-10 a. His faith required him to live "as in a foreign country" 1) Even though it was the "land of promise", he and his descendants could not have it for four hundred years - cf. Gen 13:14-17; 15:13-21 2) He therefore patiently waited for the city "whose builder and maker is God" a) This suggests that the promises he embraced were more than just those pertaining to the land of Canaan b) Later, we will see he had a heavenly hope as well! b. Our faith requires us to live "as in a foreign country" 1) For we too are "sojourners and pilgrims" - 1 Pe 2:11 2) Is our faith a "sojourning faith" like Abraham's? - cf. He 13:14 3. By faith he "offered up Isaac" - He 11:17-19 a. His faith required him to be willing to offer that which was closest to him 1) His son, Isaac - Gen 22:1-19 a) Through whom the promises he embraced were to be fulfilled b) He assumed that God would raise Isaac from the dead, if need be, in order to keep His promises 2) Thus he illustrated that confidence "in things hoped for"! b. Our faith often requires forsaking things closest to us 1) Our loved ones, even our own life! - cf. Lk 14:26-33 2) Is our faith an "offering faith" like Abraham's? - cf. Ro 12:1-2 B. THE FAITH OF SARAH... 1. By faith she received strength to conceive a child - He 11: 11-12 a. Though beyond the normal age of child-bearing - Gen 18:1-3; 21:1-7 b. Though she laughed when she first heard of God's promise, she later "judged Him faithful who had promised" c. Through her faith, the promises of a great nation were fulfilled! 2. Our faith requires looking to God for strength, and trusting He will provide a. We must look to God to "find grace to help in time of need" - He 4:16 b. Is our faith a "receiving faith" like Sarah's? - Ph 4:13 C. THE FAITH OF ISAAC... 1. He blessed Jacob and Esau regarding things to come - He 11:20; cf. Gen 27:1-40 2. This illustrates how Isaac by faith "embraced" the promises D. THE FAITH OF JACOB... 1. Jacob blessed the sons of Joseph when he was dying - He 11:21; cf. Gen 48:14-20 2. His blessing involved the promises of God, showing how he embraced them also E. THE FAITH OF JOSEPH... 1. When he was dying, Joseph: a. Made mention of the departure of Israel out of Egypt b. Gave instructions concerning his bones - He 11:22; cf. Gen 50:24-26 2. In so doing, he demonstrated that he had "embraced the promises"! [Such was the faith of the patriarchs. I purposely skipped verses 13- 16, for what is said there not only applies to Abraham and Sarah, but to Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. As we now turn to those verses, we learn in particular...] II. HOW THEIR FAITH PLEASED GOD (13-16) A. THEY EMBRACED THE PROMISES... - He 11:13-16a 1. They did not receive the promises during their lifetime a. Yet with faith they could see them afar off b. They freely confessed to be strangers and pilgrims on the earth 1) This implies that they sought a homeland 2) But what they desired was a better one, indeed a heavenly country 2. They died "in faith" (i.e., holding fast to the promises) B. THEREFORE GOD IS NOT ASHAMED OF THEM... - He 11:16b 1. He is not ashamed to be called their God a. He is well pleased with them b. It was their faith embracing the promises that pleased Him 2. He has prepared a city for them a. What they waited for, He has prepared - cf. He 11:10 b. That which He has prepared is what we look for, too - cf. He 13:14 1) I.e., the new heavens and new earth - cf. 2 Pe 3:13 2) In which will be the "New Jerusalem," that "great city...descending out of heaven" - cf. Re 21:1-3,10ff 3) Indeed, even now in a sense we have "come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem..." - He 12:22-24 CONCLUSION 1. What kind of faith pleases God? Certainly a... a. "Worshipping faith" like that of Abel b. "Walking faith" like that of Enoch c. "Working faith" like that of Noah ...but also a "waiting faith" seen in the patriarchs (Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph)! 2. The faith that pleases God is one that "embraces the promises" made by God... a. Patiently waiting for their ultimate fulfillment, even if it doesn't happen in one's lifetime b. But with conviction and confidence of "things hoped for" and "things of unseen"... 1) We will "obey" His calling 2) We will "sojourn" here on earth 3) We will "offer" up whatever He asks of us 4) We will "receive strength" to do whatever He bids us 5) And we will "make mention" of His promises from generation to generation! 3. This is the kind of faith... a. In those "who believe to the saving of the soul" - He 10:39 b. In those of whom "God is not ashamed to be called their God" - He 11:16 May the Lord grant us grace and mercy to develop this kind of saving faith!<< Previous | Index | Next >>
The "Executable Outlines" Series, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 1999
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