<< Previous | Index | Next >>"THE FLESH AND THE SPIRIT" Overcoming The Conflict INTRODUCTION 1. We saw in our previous lesson that to prevent turning our freedom in Christ into opportunities for the lust of the flesh, we need to "walk in the Spirit" 2. We considered five reasons Paul gave to "walk in the Spirit", instead of engaging in the "works of the flesh"... a. The Spirit and the flesh are contrary to one another - Ga 5:17 b. If you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law - Ga 5:18 c. Fulfill the lusts of the flesh, and you will not inherit the kingdom of God - Ga 5:19-21 d. Those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh - Ga 5:24 e. Since we live in the Spirit, we should also walk in the Spirit - Ga 5:25 -- With a sixth reason found in Ga 6:7-8 (We reap what we sow!) 3. But it is one thing to know we should "walk in the Spirit", and another thing to actually do so a. Therefore I hope to illustrate how the Christian can be victorious in this spiritual "conflict" between the Spirit and the flesh b. The basis for our study will once again be Ga 5:16-26 [From these verses we can glean four points related to "Overcoming The Conflict". I will save what I believe to be the most important point for last, and therefore start with the idea...] I. VICTORY COMES THROUGH AN AWARENESS OF THE CONFLICT - Ga 5:17 A. KNOWING THE STRENGTH OF THE ENEMY IS NECESSARY TO WIN ANY WAR... 1. Jesus understood this principle - cf. Lk 14:31 2. Paul wants us to be aware of the strength of the enemy - Ga 5:17 a. The flesh is in opposition to the Spirit b. Neither side is content with some sort of truce c. One or the other is going to be in control! B. WE MUST UNDERSTAND THE BATTLE WILL BE ON-GOING... 1. The flesh sets it desire against the Spirit 2. As long as we are in the flesh, there is going to be warfare! 3. Unless, of course, we totally surrender to the flesh! [With awareness of the conflict that exists, we are on the road to victory. Sadly, many people lose the battle because they assume that whatever the flesh wants must be right. For those who desire to win, though, it is also helpful to know that...] II. VICTORY COMES THROUGH AN AWARENESS OF THE ENEMY AND THE CONSEQUENCES OF DEFEAT - Ga 5:19-21 A. THE ENEMY IS "THE WORKS OF THE FLESH"... 1. Briefly defined, the "works of the flesh" include: a. Sins of immorality b. Sins of idolatry c. Infractions of the law of love d. Sins of intemperance (i.e., excesses) 2. Each of these we will examine more closely in future lessons B. THE CONSEQUENCES OF DEFEAT ARE GRAVE... 1. In our text, we learn that they can cause one to forfeit the kingdom of God 2. In Ga 6:7-8, we learn they also produce "corruption" (both physical and spiritual) [Awareness of the enemy and the consequences of defeat help us to focus our attack and to provide the motivation to attack forcefully. Otherwise, our attempts will be aimless and half-hearted. Next...] III. VICTORY COMES THROUGH HAVING THE RIGHT ATTITUDE - Ga 5:24-25 A. NO VICTORY IS WON WITH A DEFEATIST ATTITUDE... 1. If we approach the conflict by saying... a. "There is no hope" b. "I am too weak" c. "I cannot win" 2. The battle is over before it even starts! B. CHRISTIANS CAN APPROACH THIS CONFLICT WITH OPTIMISM... 1. Because they have "crucified the flesh with its passion and desires" - Ga 5:24 a. As we saw in the previous lesson, that occurred when we were crucified with Christ through baptism into His death - Ro 6:3-8 b. They are therefore not "indebted to the flesh" - Ro 8:12 c. This is not to say the conflict with flesh ceases to exist, but that in Christ the conflict can be overcome! 2. Because they "live in the Spirit" - Ga 5:25 a. The Spirit has given us new life in Christ! - Ti 3:5-6; cf. Ro 8:2, 11 b. Living in the Spirit, it now becomes possible to "walk in the Spirit" [This leads to the last and perhaps most important point when it comes to "Overcoming The Conflict", which is found toward the beginning of our text...] IV. VICTORY COMES THROUGH "WALKING IN THE SPIRIT" - Ga 5:17 A. WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO "WALK IN THE SPIRIT"? 1. The term "walk" suggests one's conduct, or manner of life 2. The phrase "in the Spirit" (or "by the Spirit", ASV) suggests two possibilities: a. That one's conduct be in accordance to the Spirit - Ro 8:1 b. That one's conduct be aided by the Spirit - Ro 8:11-13 -- Since both of these are supported by Paul in his writings, I assume that "walking in the Spirit" involve both concepts 3. "The entire life of the believer is to be lived 'by the Spirit', under His guidance and direction, by His aid and help and power. If a man so lives, he will not yield to the sinful desires of the flesh." (Charles R. Erdman) 4. To use another phrase of Paul's, to "walk in the Spirit" is the same (or at least the consequence) of being "led by the Spirit" - cf. Ro 8:14 B. HOW DOES ONE "WALK IN THE SPIRIT"? 1. Do we "walk in the Spirit" (or are "led by the Spirit") through... a. Listening to some "small still voice"? b. Heeding some subtle influence or intuition? c. Following some overwhelming compulsion? 2. The answer is "No!", and fortunately so... a. Otherwise, there would be the problem of determining whether it was the Holy Spirit or just wishful human spirit that was seeking to lead us in some direction b. The Bible warns about the dangers of trusting the impressions of the heart or mind to guide us - Pr 14:12; Jer 10:23 c. God has graciously given us an objective (as opposed to subjective) means to direct us - cf. Ps 119:133 3. We "walk in the Spirit" (or are "led by the Spirit")... a. First, when we "set our minds on the things of the Spirit" - cf. Ro 8:4-5 1) Just as those who "set their minds on the things of the flesh" walk according to the flesh 2) What are the "things of the Spirit"? a) Those things that the Holy Spirit was sent to reveal - cf. Jn 14:25-26 b) I.e., the revealed Word of truth - cf. Jn 16:12-13 3) Therefore, whenever one is setting their mind on the Word of God (the "things of the Spirit"), and seeking to walk thereby... a) They are "walking in the Spirit" b) They are being "led by the Spirit" b. But also, when we are "strengthened by the Spirit" - cf. Ro 8:12-14 1) In conjunction with our own efforts to walk according to the "things of the Spirit (i.e., the Word of God), we are aided by the Spirit of God a) As Paul explained to the Philippians, when we seek to "work out our salvation", God is also at work in us - Ph 2:12-13 b) The instrumental agent by which God strengthens us is His Spirit - Ep 3:16 2) Prayer is a key element in receiving this wonderful strength a) Just as Paul prayed for the Ephesians that God would so strengthen them - Ep 3:16 b) And so we are taught to go to God's throne of grace when we need "grace to help in time of need" - He 4: 16 4. To "walk in the Spirit", then, involves living a life where one is under the Spirit's direction and aided by His power 5. We can ensure that we "walk in the Spirit" by... a. Diligently setting our minds on the "things of the Spirit" (i.e., the Word of God) b. Fervently praying for the strength God gives through His Spirit as we endeavor to live according to His Word 6. The Word of God and prayer are therefore crucial to "Overcoming The Conflict" between the flesh and the Spirit! CONCLUSION 1. Fellow Christian, do you earnestly desire to overcome the conflict that goes on between the flesh and the Spirit? a. Where the lusts of the flesh pull you in one direction? b. And the Spirit of God would have you go in an opposite direction? 2. In our text (Ga 5:16-26)... a. We find not only the motivation (our last lesson) b. But also the solution to "Overcoming The Conflict" (this lesson) 3. In our next study, we shall begin taking a closer look at those things listed as "the works of the flesh" (remembering the importance of awareness of the enemy) 4. For the time being, I encourage you to accept the challenge to "walk in the Spirit" a. It begins when you "crucify the flesh with its passion and desires", and begin to "live in the Spirit" - Ga 5:24-25; cf. Ro 6:3-11; 8:11-13 b. And it continues as you are "led by the Spirit" through the means of the Word of God and prayer - cf. Ro 8:14 Have you responded to the command to be baptized into Christ, where you can enjoy the blessing of the "washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit"? - cf. Ti 3:5-7<< Previous | Index | Next >>
The "Executable Outlines" Series, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 1999
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