<< Previous | Index | Next >>"THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS" Chapter Six OBJECTIVES IN STUDYING THE CHAPTER 1) To understand the responsibilities of children and their fathers 2) To suggest how principles governing servants and masters can be applied to employees and their employers 3) To see the need to adorn ourselves with the whole of armor of God, that we might be strong in the power of His might, and not just our own strength SUMMARY The final chapter begins with what might called an exhortation to "walk in familial harmony." Children are told to obey their parents, while fathers are instructed not to provoke their children to wrath but bring them up in the Lord's nurture and admonition. As many households in the first century A. D. contained servants, commands are also given on the duties of servants and their masters (1-9). The last major section of this epistle is a call to "walk in victory", with a charge to stand strong in the power of the Lord's might. To be able to withstand the wiles of the devil and spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places, Christians needs to adorn themselves with the whole armor of God. This armor includes such elements as truth, righteousness, the gospel, faith, salvation, and the Word of God. Standing strong also requires fervent and watchful prayer, not just for one's self, but for all Christians. Even Paul solicits their prayers that he might be bold as an ambassador in chains as he makes known the mystery of the gospel (10-20). A brief explanation is then given concerning Tychicus, who is to let them know how Paul is doing. The epistle then concludes with a prayer for peace to the brethren, love with faith, and grace for all who love the Lord Jesus Christ in all sincerity (21-24). OUTLINE I. A CALL TO WALK IN FAMILIAL HARMONY (1-9) A. DUTIES OF CHILDREN (1-3) 1. To obey their parents in the Lord (1) 2. To honor their father and mother, the first commandment with promise (2) 3. That they may enjoy the promise of the commandment (3) a. To do well b. To live long on the earth B. DUTIES OF FATHERS (4) 1. Do not provoke their children to wrath (4a) 2. Bring their children up in the training and admonition of the Lord (4b) C. DUTIES OF SERVANTS (5-8) 1. Be obedient to their masters according to the flesh (5-6a) a. With fear and trembling b. In sincerity of heart, as to Christ c. Not with eyeservice, pleasing only men, but as servants of Christ 2. Do the will of God from the heart (6b-8) a. Doing service with good will b. Serving as to the Lord, and not to men c. Knowing that whoever does good receives the same from the Lord D. DUTIES OF MASTERS (9) 1. Treat their servants in the same way (9a) 2. Do not threaten their servants (9b) a. For their own Master is in heaven b. And there is no partiality with Him II. A CALL TO WALK IN VICTORY (10-20) A. STAND STRONG IN THE POWER OF THE LORD (10-13) 1. A call to stand strong in the Lord, in the power of His might (10) 2. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may stand against the wiles of the devil (11) 3. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against... (12) a. Principalities and powers b. The rulers of the darkness of this age c. Spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places 4. Therefore take up the whole armor of God (13) a. That you may be able to withstand in the evil day b. Having done all, to stand fast B. EQUIPPED WITH THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD (14-20) 1. Therefore stand fast with the armor of God, which includes... (14-17) a. Your waist girded with truth b. The breastplate of righteousness c. Feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace d. The shield of faith above all, to quench the fiery darts of the wicked one e. The helmet of salvation f. The sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God 2. Praying always, being watchful (18-20) a. Praying with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit b. Being watchful with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints c. Praying for Paul 1) That utterance may be given to him 2) That he might speak boldly, as he ought to speak a) To make known the mystery of the gospel b) For which he is an ambassador in chains III. CONCLUSION (21-24) A. TYCHICUS AND HIS REPORT (21-22) 1. Tychicus, a beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord, will let them know how Paul is doing (21) 2. He has been sent to comfort their hearts (22) B. PARTING WORDS OF PEACE, LOVE, AND GRACE (23-24) 1. Peace to the brethren (23a) 2. Love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus (23b) 3. Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus in sincerity (24) REVIEW QUESTIONS FOR THE CHAPTER 1) What are the main points of this chapter? - A call to walk in familial harmony (1-9) - A call to walk in victory (10-20) - Conclusion (21-24) 2) What responsibilities do children have toward their parents? (1-2) - Obey their parents in the Lord - Honor their father and mother 3) What promise comes with the commandment to honor one's parents? (3) - "That it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth" 4) What responsibilities does a father have toward his children? (4) - Not to provoke them to wrath - Bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord 5) In what way are servants to be obedient to their masters? (5-7) - With fear and trembling - In sincerity of heart, as to Christ - Not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers - As servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart - Serving with good will, as to the Lord and not to men 6) What should motivate a servant to this kind of service? (8) - Knowing that what good one does will bring about the same from the Lord 7) How were masters to treat their servants? (9) - In the same way servants were to serve their masters - Without threatening 8) What ought to motivate masters to treat their servants kindly? (9) - Knowing that their Master is in heaven, and He shows no partiality 9) In what are Christians to be strong? (10) - In the Lord and in the power of His might 10) How can we stand against the wiles of the devil? (11) - By putting on the whole armor of God 11) Against what do we wrestle, if not against flesh and blood? (12) - Principalities and powers - The rulers of the darkness of this age - Spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places 12) What benefit is there to take up whole armor of God? (13) - May be able to withstand in the evil day - Having done all, to stand 13) List the armor of God as described in verses 14-17 - Waist girded with truth - Breastplate of righteousness - Feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace - Shield of faith to quench the fiery darts of the wicked one - Helmet of salvation - The sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God 14) What else should we add to this armor? (18) - Praying always with watchfulness, with perseverance making supplication for all the saints 15) For what did Paul ask that they pray for in his behalf? (19-20) - For boldness to make known the mystery of the gospel 16) How did he describe himself? (20) - An ambassador in chains 17) Who was going to tell them more about Paul's condition? (21-22) - Tychicus 18) How is this man described? (21) - A beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord 19) For what does Paul pray as he closes this epistle? (23-24) - Peace to the brethren, and love with faith - Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity<< Previous | Index | Next >>
The "Executable Outlines" Series, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 1999
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