<< Previous | Index | Next >>"THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PETER" The Depravity Of False Teachers (2:10-17) INTRODUCTION 1. In his discourse against "false teachers", Peter has written strongly and harshly against these individuals... a. They will bring in "destructive heresies", and bring on themselves and those who follow them "destruction" - 2 Pe 2:1-3 b. Their doom is certain, for God knows how "to reserve the unjust under punishment for the day of judgment", as illustrated by the examples in 2 Pe 2:4-9 2. Why such strong words? Is Peter justified in writing so harshly against these "false teachers"? 3. The answer is "yes", for by inspiration Peter knows the true extent to which these depraved individuals have fallen a. Again, these "false teachers" are not just people who in their ignorance are guilty of teaching error b. Rather, they are very much aware of their deceptions and what they are doing! [In our text for this lesson, we learn from Peter just how serious is "The Depravity Of False Teachers". For example..] I. THEY "REVILE" AGAINST THOSE IN AUTHORITY (10-12) A. NOTICE THEIR CHARACTER... 1. They "walk according to the flesh in the lust of uncleanness" - 10 2. They are "presumptuous, self-willed" - 10 3. By so walking after the flesh, they became little more than "natural brute beasts" - 12 B. IN THIS CONDITION... 1. They "despise authority" - 10 a. They do not appreciate the principles of authority and submission - cf. 1 Pe 2:13-17 b. They feel no need to submit to those over them 2. They "are not afraid to speak evil of dignitaries" - 10 a. The word for "dignitaries" is doxa {dox'-ah} and literally means "glories" b. It can refer to human dignitaries such as church or civic leaders, but also celestial beings (such as good and fallen angels) c. The context of verse 11 and the parallel passage in Ju 8-9 suggests that fallen angels (those mentioned in 2 Pe 2:4) may be the "dignitaries" spoken of here d. Thus in some way these individuals would speak derogatorily of "fallen angels", something even angels "greater in power and might" would not do! 3. They "speak evil of the things they do not understand" - 12 a. Once again Peter's charge is that they "speak evil" b. The charge appears to be in the way they speak, even of fallen angels... 1) With an attitude of despite towards those in authority 2) When they really are not in a position to know the whole situation c. With such arrogance and evil speaking, they corrupt themselves! - Ju 10 [If the Scriptures condemn those who speak evil of "fallen angels", what does that say of those who speak evil of "fallen individuals", whether they be church or civic leaders? May Peter's words encourage us to be very careful about such things. The depravity of these "false teachers" is seen further as we consider how...] II. THEY "REVEL" WITH GREAT PLEASURE (13-14) A. THEY LOVE TO "CAROUSE"... 1. The word "carouse" (or "revel", the KJV uses "riot" and "sporting") refers to extreme indulgence in sensual pleasures; dissipation 2. They count it pleasure to "carouse in the daytime" - 13 a. This is not to suggest that it is all right to carouse at night b. But just demonstrates how depraved these individuals are! 3. Like "spots and blemishes", they carouse in their deceptions "while they feast with you" - 13 a. They take advantage of gatherings with Christians b. This they do with skillful deception B. FOR THEY HAVE CORRUPTED "EYES" AND "HEART"... 1. Their eyes are "full of adultery" (cf. Mt 5:28) - 14 a. "that cannot cease from sin" (this speaks of their depravity) b. "...beguiling unstable souls" (taking advantage of the immature) 2. Their heart is "trained in covetous practices" - 14 a. They are skilled in how to get what they want b. And what they want all pertains to the flesh! (as implied by the term "adultery") [In such depravity they have truly become "accursed children" (14). That they are even described as "accursed children" is another indication that these "false teachers" were once true Christians - cf. "denying the Lord who bought them" (1) and "after they have escaped the pollutions of the world..." (20) Another such indication is seen as we consider our last point concerning the depravity of these false teachers...] III. THEY "REVOLT" AGAINST THE RIGHT WAY (15-16) A. "THEY HAVE FORSAKEN THE RIGHT WAY AND GONE ASTRAY" 1. It is hard to forsake what you never had, or to go astray if you were never in the right way 2. Therefore this phrase of Peter... a. Lends support to the idea that these "false teachers" were erring Christians b. Sadly adds to the description of how far one can fall from the Lord B. "FOLLOWING THE WAY OF BALAAM..." 1. Like the prophet Balaam, they were swayed by the "wages of unrighteousness" 2. Here Peter is evidently making a play on words, for he used the same phrase earlier in a totally different way a. In verse 13, the "wages of unrighteousness" refers to the eternal compensation one receives for their sins (condemnation) b. In verse 15, the "wages of unrighteousness" refers to the momentary compensation one receives for their sins (money, fulfillment of fleshly desires) 3. But remember that Balaam was rebuked and restrained by a dumb donkey who spoke - Num 22:22-35 4. How much more should we take heed when it is the voice of an inspired apostle (Peter) who seeks to rebuke and restrain the madness of "false teachers"! CONCLUSION (17) 1. In verse 17, we are given two illustrations that describe the depravity of these false teachers... a. They are "wells without water" b. They are "clouds carried by a tempest" -- Both illustrations describe things which promise much (i.e., water), but deliver nothing! 2. So it is with these "false teachers", who while promising much, are so depraved themselves that there is only one thing awaiting them... a. "to whom the gloom of darkness is reserved forever" b. I.e., the same judgment given to the angels who sinned - cf. 2 Pe 2:4 -- How ironic, that these individuals who were so bold to revile fallen angels, will suffer the same punishment! 3. Peter will have more to say about these false teachers in the final section of this chapter, especially with regards to their "deceptions" and how they fail to deliver what they promise In the meantime, remember that it is not sufficient to just "beware" of false teachers, we must also being "growing" in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ (2 Pe 3:17-18). Is this the case with you...?<< Previous | Index | Next >>
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