<< Previous | Index | Next >>"THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PETER" The Foundation For Our Precious Faith (1:16-21) INTRODUCTION 1. We saw in our first lesson that this Second Epistle of Peter was addressed to "those who have obtained like precious faith with us" - cf. 2 Pe 1:1 2. We also pointed out that the "precious faith" is most likely the personal conviction or trust in Jesus Christ one must have in order to be pleasing to God 3. But upon what foundation does our "precious faith" in Christ rest? a. Is it just "blind faith", or perhaps credulity on our part? b. While that may be the case for some, it is certainly not what the apostles expected or even desired 4. Beginning with the first sermon on the Day of Pentecost, and continuing throughout their preaching and teaching, the apostles appealed to two lines of evidences upon which our faith is to rest... a. The testimony of apostolic eyewitnesses - e.g., Ac 2:32; 3:14-15; 5:30-32; 10:39-43; 13:30-31 b. The testimony of Old Testament prophecy - e.g., Ac 2:25-31; 3:22-24; Ac 10:43; 13:32-41; 17:2-3 5. Even in this Second Epistle, we find Peter referring to these "two lines of evidence" as we consider the text for our study - 2 Pe 1: 16-21 (READ) [This passage should help to reinforce the validity of our faith in Jesus, as that which is based upon a solid foundation! For example, let's consider more closely what Peter has to say about...] I. THE TESTIMONY OF APOSTOLIC EYEWITNESSES (16-18) A. THEIR TESTIMONY WAS NOT "CUNNINGLY DEVISED FABLES"... 1. Or to put it as found in other translations: a. "We were not following cleverly devised legends" (Weymouth) b. "For they were no fictitious stories that we followed" (Goodspeed) c. "It was not on tales artfully spun that we relied" (NEB) 2. But as we shall see, if what they claim did not happen, this is the only reasonable alternative! a. Either they were telling the truth... b. ...Or they were carefully and purposely fabricating lies! 3. Why is this the only alternative? Because... B. THEIR TESTIMONY WAS THAT OF "EYEWITNESSES"... 1. They claimed to be "eyewitnesses" of what they made known concerning Jesus' coming and power! 2. As "eyewitnesses" they could not have been deceived... a. Their interaction with Jesus was too intimate b. As Peter said to the household of Cornelius: "who ate and drank with Him after He arose from the dead." - Ac 10:41 c. As John wrote in his first epistle: "...which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life" - 1 Jn 1:1 C. A SAMPLE OF THEIR "EYEWITNESS TESTIMONY"... 1. Peter refers to the event that occurred at "The Mount of Transfiguration" - cf. Mt 17:1-9; Mk 9:2-9; Lk 9:28-36 2. An event which depicted the power, majesty, honor and glory Jesus had 3. Why this event as a sample of their testimony? a. It certainly proclaims the majesty of Jesus b. It certainly illustrates the nature of their testimony... 1) They "saw" Jesus transfigured before them, and joined with Moses and Elijah 2) They "heard" the voice which came from the "Excellent Glory" (God the Father) 4. The fact that this event, like many others in the life of Jesus, was seen by a plurality of witnesses ("we were with Him") serves to strengthen the force of their testimony D. WHAT THIS MEANS... 1. Peter and the rest of the apostles really leave us with only two possibilities a. Either they are telling the truth about Jesus... b. ...Or they did the very thing that Peter denied in this passage ("follow cunningly devised fables")! 2. Which is more reasonable, to believe the apostles told the truth, or were blatant liars, frauds, and deceivers? a. In the context of the lives they lived, the suffering they endured, the scriptures they left behind, there is only reasonable conclusion... b. ...They were in fact "eyewitnesses of His majesty"! [The foundation of our precious faith, then, rests upon the testimony of the apostles. Even Jesus realized this would be the case (cf. Jn 17:20). But there is even more that serves to support our faith in Jesus Christ...] II. THE TESTIMONY OF DIVINELY ORIGINATED PROPHECY (19-21) A. "WE ALSO HAVE THE PROPHETIC WORD MADE MORE SURE"... 1. The reference here is to the prophecies of the Old Testament a. Which bore witness to the coming Messiah - e.g., Isa 9:6-7; 53:1-12 b. To which the apostles often appealed in their efforts to convince others that Jesus was the Christ - e.g., Ac 17:2-3 2. These prophecies have been "made more sure" by their very fulfillment in Jesus! a. Before their fulfillment, one could only hope such words were really from God b. In their fulfillment, our faith is not only strengthened in the subject of such prophecies (Jesus Christ), but in the origin of the prophecies themselves! 3. It is these fulfilled prophecies which serve to support our faith... B. "WHICH YOU DO WELL TO HEED AS A LIGHT THAT SHINES..." 1. Though fulfilled, Christians should still carefully study the Old Testament Scriptures 2. Even as Paul commanded Timothy to do - 2 Ti 3:14-15 3. For their value is like "a light that shines in a dark place" a. Like apostolic testimony, they help to confirm our faith in Jesus b. They also help the Christian become "wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus" - cf. 2 Ti 3:15 c. They are therefore a source for developing patience, comfort and hope - cf. Ro 15:4 4. And they will serve such purpose "until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts" a. A likely reference to the coming of our Lord, described by John as "the Bright and Morning Star" - cf. Re 22:16 b. Whose coming will be seen by all ("every eye will see Him"), but will be appreciated most fully "in the hearts" of those who anxiously await Him! C. UNDERSTANDING THE ORIGIN OF PROPHECY... 1. To appreciate the value of prophecy in supporting our faith, it is important to know how prophecy originates 2. As Peter explains... a. "no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation" 1) This phrase is difficult, and has been variously translated: a) "No prophecy of scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation" (RSV; cf. KJV, NKJV, NASB, and JB) b) "No prophecy of Scripture ever came about by a prophet's own ideas" (SEB; cf. NIV) 2) I believe both the immediate context (v. 21) and the remote context (1 Pe 1:10-12) of Peter's comments support the latter translation (b) b. "for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit" 1) This explains what Peter meant in verse 20 2) Thus the prophecies of the Old Testament were not the views or concepts of mere men, but the expressions of Spirit-inspired spokesmen for God! 3. Realizing this, their fulfilled prophecies serve to strengthen our faith... a. Our faith in the Old Testament as the inspired word of God! b. Our faith in Jesus as the Messiah, of Whom the inspired prophets wrote! CONCLUSION 1. Indeed, our faith is certainly "precious", because it rests upon the weighty testimony of... a. Apostolic eyewitnesses 1) Who saw and heard the things Jesus did 2) Who despite great suffering never recanted their testimony b. Divinely inspired prophecy 1) Spoken in ages past by men moved by the Spirit of God 2) Confirmed to be true by their fulfillment 2. Such faith is not "blind", or "credulous", but a conviction based upon solid evidence! 3. Is this the sort of faith in Jesus you have? It should be, for by such faith you can have... a. Eternal life - cf. Jn 20:30-31 b. Remission of sins - cf. Ac 10:43 But it must also be an obedient faith (cf. Ro 1:5; 6:17; 16:26), and the first steps of faith are clearly outlined by Jesus and His apostles... - cf. Mk 16:15-16; Ac 2:36-38<< Previous | Index | Next >>
The "Executable Outlines" Series, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 1999
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