<< Previous | Index | Next >>"SECOND CORINTHIANS - EXPOSITORY OUTLINES" Hearts Wide Open (6:11-13) INTRODUCTION 1. The apostle Paul was a man who loved his brethren... a. He loved his CO-WORKERS - 2 Ti 1:2; Phile 1-2 b. He loved the CONGREGATIONS he worked with - 2 Co 11:28 -- Because of his love, he was willing to give of himself and become close to them - e.g., 1 Th 2:7-12; 2 Co 12:14-15 2. The passage in 2 Co 12:15 indicates that sometimes Paul's affection was one-sided; he elaborated on this in 2 Co 6:11-13... a. Paul's heart was "wide open" towards the Corinthians - 11 b. But their love for him was "restricted" - 12 c. His exhortation, therefore, was "be open"! - 13 3. In our study, I would like to... a. Offer reasons why we all need to have "Hearts Wide Open" b. Explain why some may have "restricted hearts" c. Suggest how we can be sure to have our "Hearts Wide Open" I. WHY WE NEED "HEARTS WIDE OPEN" A. BROTHERLY LOVE IS A MARK OF TRUE DISCIPLESHIP! 1. Note what Jesus said about brethren loving one another in Jn 13:34-35 2. Such love would be a visible sign by which the world would know Christ's true disciples 3. People with "restricted hearts" would have a difficult time displaying a visible love! B. BROTHERLY LOVE IS AN INDICATION OF SPIRITUAL GROWTH! 1. Peter lists brotherly kindness (and love) among those graces involved in growing in the knowledge of Jesus Christ - 2 Pe 1:5-8 2. Whereas having a "restricted heart" is an indication of: a. Spiritual immaturity - cf. 2 Co 6:13 b. Or spiritual ailments (short-sighted, even to blindness) - 2 Pe 1:9 C. BROTHERLY LOVE IS AN ASSURANCE OF OUR SALVATION! 1. It is one way that we know we have passed from death to live - 1 Jn 3:16-19 2. The one who truly loves is one who is born of God - 1 Jn 4:7-8 3. Having "restricted hearts" would not be very reassuring in light of such verses! [Notice 2 Pe 1:10-11...If we want assurance, if we want to convince the world, we need to have "Hearts Wide Open"! Now let's consider some reasons...] II. WHY SOME HAVE "RESTRICTED HEARTS" A. IT MIGHT BE DUE TO "IGNORANCE"... 1. Some Christians may not have been give proper "follow-up" 2. Their follow-up may have been "unbalanced" a. With an emphasis upon the externals b. To the neglect of the internals 3. This cannot be our excuse any longer - 1 Jn 4:20-21 B. IT MIGHT BE THE RESULT OF "SPIRITUAL AMNESIA"... 1. As Peter indicated in 2 Pe 1:9 2. Which occurs when we... a. Forget God's love for us in purging us from our sins - 2 Pe 1:9 b. Do not apply "all diligence" - 2 Pe 1:5,10 3. With the passing of time, we may simply forget how important love is in the mind of God - cf. 1 Co 13:13 C. IT MIGHT BE WE HAVE "SKELETONS IN THE CLOSET"... 1. Some people refuse to get close to others for fear some hidden secret may became known 2. If we have such "skeletons in the closet", we had better get rid of them! a. For they will eventually become known - cf. Num 32:23 b. It may be now or later, but it will come out - 1 Ti 5:24 3. With skeletons removed, we won't mind how well people know us a. Besides, no one is perfect, and we can use the help brethren can give - Ga 6:1-2 b. Of course, this requires that brethren be trustworthy and not gossip! D. IT MIGHT BE WE HAVE A "FEAR OF GETTING HURT"... 1. Loving does involve the "risk of rejection" 2. Paul experienced rejection, not only at Corinth, but also at Rome - 2 Ti 4:16 3. But the joy of true fellowship and love can more than make up for the few times some may reject us a. The apostle John had experienced both love and rejection - cf. 3 Jn 1-4,9-11 b. But if he had never taken the risk of running into a "Diotrophes", he would have never found a "Gaius"! E. IT MIGHT BE THAT "TRUE CONVERSION HAS NOT TAKEN PLACE"... 1. As indicated before, brotherly love is an assurance of salvation; similarly, it is an indication of true conversion! - cf. 1 Jn 3:14-15 2. Unfortunately, some people simply go through the "form" of conversion a. Conforming, not converted b. Out of convenience, not conviction -- When this happens, there is no "life" to begin with! 3. Those with "restricted hearts" might need to examine themselves a. A process that all Christians should undergo periodically - 2 Co 13:5 b. While there are reasons why true Christians may not love as they should (see above), we can't discount the possibility that the problem may be more serious! [Whatever the reason, there is really no excuse for having "restricted hearts". What can be done to "open wide" our hearts? Here are some...] III. SUGGESTIONS FOR HAVING "HEARTS WIDE OPEN" A. LET GOD'S LOVE TEACH YOU... 1. This is what enabled the Thessalonians to excel in love - 1 Th 4:9 2. So take to contemplate upon God's love for you! a. As manifested through the blessings He has bestowed upon you b. Especially the blessing of being His child! - 1 Jn 3:1 c. And the blessing of Jesus as our propitiation - 1 Jn 4:9-10 3. This will help motivate us to love as we ought - 1 Jn 4:11 B. NEVER BE CONTENT WITH THE PRESENT STATE OF YOUR LOVE... 1. Paul did not let the Thessalonians rest on their laurels - 1 Th 4:10 2. The key idea is to "increase more and more"; or as Peter would say, "abound" - 2 Pe 1:8 3. So we need to look for more people and more ways to express our love C. LOVE TAKES TIME, SO TAKE TIME TO LOVE! 1. Take advantage of opportunities to be with brethren a. I.e., ACCEPT invitations b. E.g., to people's homes, potlucks, church services, gospel meetings, etc. 2. Make opportunities to be with brethren a. I.e., OFFER invitations b. E.g., practice hospitality - 1 Pe 4:8-9 CONCLUSION 1. What is the condition of our hearts? a. Are they "restricted", suffering from "spiritual hardening of the arteries"? 1) Where the love of God is hindered from freely flowing? 2) By the "plaques" of ignorance, selfishness, hypocrisy? b. Or are they "wide open"? 1) Where God's love flows freely 2) Nourishing not only our own lives, but the lives of those around us! -- May we all be "taught of God" to have "Hearts Wide Open"! 2. For those who may not yet be Christians... a. Consider God's love for you, which is wide open in Jesus Christ - Jn 3:16 b. Why not open wide your love for God...by keeping His commandments? - cf. 1 Jn 5:3; Jn 14:15<< Previous | Index | Next >>
The "Executable Outlines" Series, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 1999
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