<< Previous | Index | Next >>"THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PETER" Proper Conduct As Obedient Children (1:14-21) INTRODUCTION 1. In our previous study, we saw from verse 13 that we have the responsibility to fortify the focus of our hope and set it fully upon the grace that we are to receive when Jesus comes again 2. Another responsibility we have as Christians is to conduct ourselves as "obedient children" - 1 Pe 1:14 3. While the need to be obedient is often misconstrued by some as sounding legalistic, it is stressed in the New Testament nonetheless - cf. He 5:9; 2 Th 1:8 4. In what way are we to be obedient? There is much the Bible has to say on the subject... a. But in this lesson we shall focus our attention to 1 Pe 1:14-21 b. Where we learn that "Proper Conduct As Obedient Children" has both negative and positive connotations (i.e., both "thou shalt nots" and "thou shalt") [For example, we learn from verse 14 that as "obedient children"...] I. WE ARE NOT TO CONFORM TO FORMER LUSTS A. UNDERSTANDING WHAT PETER IS SAYING... 1. The word "conform" ("fashion" in the KJV) means "to conform one's self (i.e. one's mind and character) to another's pattern" 2. The "former lusts" refer to the evil desires and behavior in which we once engaged, and in which the world continues to engage 3. In essence, then, Peter is saying: a. "Don't act like you once did, or like those still in the world." b. "Do not adopt their sinful habits, mannerisms, dress, and speech, which you did before you became Christians." B. APPLYING WHAT PETER IS SAYING... 1. We will not seek to act like those who are not Christians 2. For Christians are not to be "conformists", but true "non-conformists", or "transformists" - cf. Ro 12:1-2 a. "Conformists" simply imitate others, sometimes claiming to do so only outwardly b. But "transformists" are those who: 1) Have undergone a true change on the "inside" 2) And who manifest the difference on the "outside" 3. To behave properly as "obedient children", then, we need to be sure we are not adopting the sinful habits or mannerisms of those in the world a. Like accepting the popular fashions of our society which appeal to fleshly desires 1) E.g., short dresses, tight "designer jeans", and other immodest apparel 2) Christians, rather than conforming, are to adorn themselves in modest apparel - cf. 1 Ti 2:9-10 b. Like filling our speech with suggestive language or jokes - cf. Ep 4:29; 5:3-4 c. Or delighting in various forms of entertainment which cater to fleshly desires - cf. Ph 4:8 4. But too many Christians DO conform to the world and its lusts... a. Therefore it is not surprising to hear many becoming entrapped by the world b. As is indicated by the rise of marital unfaithfulness and divorce 5. So Christians need to heed what Peter is saying (as well as what was said by John - 1 Jn 2:15-17) [In a more "positive" vein, we learn from verses 15-16 that as "obedient children"...] II. WE ARE TO BE HOLY IN ALL OUR CONDUCT A. CONCERNING THE WORD "HOLY"... 1. It is closely related to the words "sanctify" and "sanctification" 2. All of which stress the idea of being "set apart" 3. To be "holy", then, means that we are "set apart" or dedicated to God B. WE ARE TO BE "HOLY" FOR AT LEAST TWO REASONS... 1. The first reason is that given in our text: "For I (God) am holy." a. The God who has called us through His gospel is a holy God b. He Himself is "set apart" from sin and wickedness c. His very nature demands a similar holiness on our part - cf. He 12:14 2. It is also Jesus' desire that we be holy (He died for this very purpose!) - cf. Ep 5:25-27 C. NOTE ALSO THAT WE ARE TO BE HOLY IN "ALL" OUR CONDUCT! 1. Holiness is not something we put on when convenient, like on Sundays 2. Instead, our daily life, our entire conduct is to be "set apart" in service to the Lord - cf. Ro 12:1 3. For this to be true, every aspect of our life must be in harmony with God's demand for holiness! a. This means our work, our speech, our dress, our recreation... b. ...ALL should be in harmony with the principles of God's Word 4. Even the most mundane things, when done in keeping with God's Will, become a part of our holy service to God! 5. Can it be said of our lives, that we are holy in all our conduct? a. Do we go about our business, our play, with the thought of being "set apart" to the Will of God, so that it is evident in our business or play? b. I sure that all of us can improve in this area of our service as "obedient children"! [There is one more point that can be made in reference to our conduct as "obedient children", taken from verses 17-21...] III. WE MUST CONDUCT OURSELVES IN FEAR A. AS PILGRIMS, "FEAR" HAS A PROPER PLACE DURING OUR SOJOURN... 1. Even as Jesus taught His disciples - Mt 10:28 2. And as Paul wrote the Philippians - Ph 2:12 B. PETER GIVES TWO REASONS FOR SUCH "FEAR"... 1. In view of the judgment by our Father - 1 Pe 1:17 a. He will not be partial - "without partiality" b. He will be personal - "judges according to each one's work" -- No one will receive special favors, no one will escape His discerning eye! 2. In view of the high cost of redemption - 1 Pe 1:18-21 a. We were not redeemed from our sins with silver or gold b. But only by the precious blood of Christ! 1) Who was without blemish and without spot 2) Who was foreordained to die for our sins before the world began 3) Who came to this earth for our sakes 4) By whom our faith and hope are in God! c. Any Christian who does not conduct himself in a manner appreciative of the price paid for his sins, can expect a fate worse than death if he does not repent! - cf. He 10: 26-31 CONCLUSION 1. From verses 14-21, then, we learn that "Proper Conduct As Obedient Children" means that... a. We are not to conform ourselves to former lusts b. We are to be holy in all our conduct c. We are to conduct ourselves in fear 2. Paul said much the same thing in writing to the church at Corinth: "Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God." (2 Co 7:1) 3. This we cannot do on our own, but by the redeeming grace of God... a. We can be forgiven by the precious blood of Christ b. We can be strengthened by the power of His Spirit to live the sort of lives pleasing to our Heavenly Father Have you responded to the grace of God in order to receive such wonderful blessings? - cf. Ac 2:38<< Previous | Index | Next >>
The "Executable Outlines" Series, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 1999
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