<< Previous | Index | Next >>"THE FIRST EPISTLE OF JOHN" The Necessity Of Brotherly Love (3:10-15) INTRODUCTION 1. In our previous study ("Sin And The Child Of God"), we saw where John described two different kinds of people... a. One who continuously practices sin, and is therefore "of the devil" - 1 Jn 3:8a b. One "born of God," who does not continuously practice sin - 1 Jn 3:9 2. John continues to illustrate the contrast between "the children of God" and "the children of the devil" in 1 Jn 3:10, presenting two criteria which distinguishes them: a. Practicing righteousness b. Brotherly love 3. Both of these "criteria" have already been introduced earlier in this epistle... a. John enjoined "brotherly love" as necessary to "abiding in the light" - 1 Jn 2:9-11 b. He connected "practicing righteousness" to being "born of Him" - 1 Jn 2:29; 3:7 4. It is primarily the subject of "brotherly love" that John expounds upon throughout the rest of this epistle, including that which serves as our text for this study - 1 Jn 3:10-15 [In these verses, John describes "The Necessity Of Brotherly Love", giving us two main reasons why we MUST love one another. The first of which is...] I. IT DISTINGUISHES THE CHILDREN OF GOD (10-13) A. TWO THINGS "MANIFEST" THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GOD'S CHILDREN AND THE DEVIL'S CHILDREN (10) 1. The word "manifest" means: a. To show or demonstrate plainly; reveal b. To be evidence of; prove 2. That which clearly demonstrates the children of God are: a. The practice of righteousness b. The love of the brethren 3. Whereas those who are the children of the devil are clearly revealed when they: a. Do not practice righteousness b. Do not have brotherly love B. THE COMMAND TO LOVE IS "FROM THE BEGINNING" (11) 1. I.e., from the beginning of the gospel, spoken by Jesus Himself - cf. Jn 13:34-35 2. Note that Jesus also stressed how loving one another would make the children of God (His disciples) "manifest" to the world: "...by this all will know" - Jn 13:35 C. EXPECT SOME CONFLICT BETWEEN THESE TWO "CHILDREN" (12-13) 1. Just as Cain killed his brother Abel a. He who was of the wicked one killed his brother b. The murder was sparked by the contrast between the works of the two 2. So don't be surprised if the world hates you as well - cf. also Jn 15:18-20 [When we follow the teachings of Jesus, especially His command to love one another, it soon becomes evident ("manifest") that we are different from those of the world. But that difference sometimes leads to jealousy and its unpleasant consequences. What imperative is there, then, to heed a command that makes us stand out so? Well, as John continues...] II. IT SIGNIFIES A PASSING FROM DEATH TO LIFE (14-15) A. IT IS A MARK OF TRUE CONVERSION (14a) 1. Certainly brotherly love is not the ONLY indicator 2. Remember that we must also practice righteousness - cf. Ga 5: 22-23 3. But love for the brethren is a positive sign that true conversion has occurred B. WHEREAS LACK OF LOVE IS AN OMINOUS SIGN (14b-15) 1. That one "abides in death" 2. As we saw earlier, one who hates his brother "is in darkness until now" - 1 Jn 2:9,11 3. Indeed, hating one's brother makes one a murderer! (just like Cain) 4. And it should be self-evident that a murderer does not possess eternal life! C. WHEN CHRISTIANS DO NOT LOVE THEIR BRETHREN... 1. It MAY be an indication that true conversion never occurred, and that they are Christians in name only 2. It MAY be that there was true conversion... a. But the Christian is still a "babe in Christ" - cf. 1 Co 3:1-3 b. Or that what the writer of Hebrews feared has occurred - cf. He 3:12-14 3. In ANY circumstance, it is not what God desires for us! CONCLUSION 1. Two compelling reasons are therefore given by John for why we should love one another: a. It distinguishes the children of God b. It signifies a passing from death to life 2. John will have more to say about love and its value, but may these two reasons compel us to examine our hearts and our attitudes toward our brethren! "Let brotherly love continue." (He 13:1)<< Previous | Index | Next >>
The "Executable Outlines" Series, Copyright © Mark A. Copeland, 1999
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