He does not exist in place or time, but all things exist in him.


BUT if through thine eternity thou hast been, and art, and wilt be; and to have been is not to be destined to be; and to be is not to have been, or to be destined to be; how does thine eternity exist as a whole forever? Or is it true that nothing of thy eternity passes away, so that it is not now; and that nothing of it is destined to be, as if it were not yet?

Thou wast not, then, yesterday, nor wilt thou be to­morrow; but yesterday and to­day and to­morrow thou art; or, rather, neither yesterday nor to­day nor to­morrow thou art; but simply, thou art, outside all time. For yesterday and to­day and to­morrow have no existence, except in time; but thou, although nothing exists without thee, nevertheless dost not exist in space or time, but all things exist in thee. For nothing contains thee, but thou containest all.



This document(last modified February 01, 1999) from
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