The reason why the number of angels who fell must be made up from men.
Anselm. It was proper that God should design to make up for the number of angels that fell, from human nature which he created without sin.
Boso. This is a part of our belief, but still I should like to have some reason for it.
Anselm. You mistake me, for we intended to discuss only the incarnation of the Deity, and here you are bringing in other questions.
Boso. Be not angry with me; "for the Lord loveth a cheerful giver;" and no one shows better how cheerfully he gives what he promises, than he who gives more than he promises; therefore, tell me freely what I ask.
Anselm. There is no question that intelligent nature
Boso. The truth which you set forth is plain.
Anselm. Therefore, since they ought to be of that number, either their number should of necessity be made up, or else rational nature, which was foreseen as perfect in number, will remain incomplete. But this cannot be.
Boso. Doubtless, then, the number must be restored.
Anselm. But this restoration can only be made from human beings, since there is no other source.
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