.K.! NEW CHRISTIAN....WHAT NOW? by Elmer G. Magnussen
If you are a new Christian, there are some very
important things you need to
know. First, you need to know exactly what has happened to you. Second,
you need to know God's provisions for your future growth and service to Him.
Daily devotions
is a 365 day devotions covering the entire Bible.
The entire world today is seeking wisdom! Education is prevalent in every
city. Literally thousands of young and old alike are attending universities.
But how many of them really know the meaning of wisdom? Wisdom is seeing
things from God's point of view.
The following testimony is that of a man by the name of Andre.
"My testimony to my Christian Brothers and believers in Jesus Christ our
Savior. I want to thank the Lord for saving me from the life I was once
leading. First of all, I was living in darkness and I thought that I truly
loved the way I was.
1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the
LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall
not eat of every tree of the garden? 2 And the woman said unto the serpent,
We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: 3 But of the fruit of
the tree which [is] in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not
eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. 4 And the serpent said
unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 5 For God doth know that in the day
ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods,
knowing good and evil.
is a repository of Christian articles, bible versions, Christian Classics,
daily devotions, dictionaries and
other useful materials with over 40,000 pages. Believerscafe is a sister project
of WikiChristian, an encyclopedia and discussion
forum for all Christians to share their faith.
Inspirational Articles
Inspiration and instruction is great collection of 379 articles of Inspiration for your spiritual
growth and edification.
Christian Classics is a large
collection of great Christian Classics with over 30,000 pages.
ECF, Ante-Nicene Fathers, the Writings of the Fathers Down to
A.D. 325.
WWSB, World Wide Study Bible.
Today's Bible Study
These chapters deal with the assigning of the
These chapters deal with the assigning of the
inheritance, looking ahead to the time when the nation
would possess Canaan. Each tribe is assigned its
portion--the Levites their special cities, and, most
important of all, the cities of refuge are defined in
chapter 35. We can get additional information on the six
cities of refuge by reading Deuteronomy 19 and Joshua
The nation had no police force, and the elders
of each city constituted a "court" to consider each
case. If a man accidentally killed another man, he
needed some kind of protection; for it was legal for a
member of the slain man's family to try to avenge the
blood of his slain relative.
Numbers 35:16-25 makes it clear that God
considers murder and manslaughter two different things.
Murder was deliberate, but manslaughter was by accident.
The purpose of the cities of refuge was to protect the
man who accidentally killed a person. The slayer had to
flee to the nearest city of refuge, where the elders
would meet him, hear his case, and hold a trial. If they
decided he was guilty of murder, he would be turned over
to the proper authorities and be slain (Deuteronomy
19:11-13). If it was clear that the slaying was
accidental, then the man would be allowed to live in the
city under their protection, not to be touched by the
avenger. However, if the man left the city, he could be
slain. When the high priest died, the man would be free
to safely return to his own city.
The purpose of this law was to keep the land
from being polluted by murderers. Murder defiles the
land, and uncondemned murderers lead the land into
greater sin. This law provided for the protection of the
innocent and the condemnation of the guilty. It was a
just law. It is too bad that our laws today often make
it easy for the guilty to go free. No wonder our nation
is defiled with blood and there is little respect for
law and order!
These cities of refuge are beautiful types of
Christ. Hebrews 6:18 tells us that He is our refuge.
Because of sin, death has passed upon all men. God
commendeth His love toward us, in that while we were yet
sinners, Christ died for us, thus paying the price of
sin (death for all mankind).
Today, He is the only refuge for mankind, the
only way to life everlasting. Every sinner must come to
Jesus for protection against the judgment of God.
Repentance from sin and simple faith in the finished
work of Jesus Christ is the only way sinners can escape
the wrath of God. He is truly the Rock in a weary land,
the Shelter in the time of storm, and the Perfect Refuge
for all mankind.